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MDCSThe Maintenance Data Collection System
provides a method of accumulating data on labor
and material used in equipment maintenance.
MEDIA AND STATUSA one-digit code assigned
to MILSTRIP requisitions that indicates the type
of status required and the activity to receive it.
MILSTAMPMilitary Standard Transportat.ion and
Movement Procedures. Provides standard
procedures, forms, and language to be used by all
military services and other agencies using the
DOD transportation system.
This is
accomplished by the use of uniform coded and
noncoded data, formats, and procedures.
MILSTAMP is promulgated by DOD Regulation
MILSTRIPMilitary Standard Requisitioning and
Issue Procedures that provide common forms and
language for requisitions, issues, and transfers
within the Department of Defense.
document number used to construct the TCN.
When the shipment unit is composed of more than
one supply line item, the document number of the
line item containing the earliest required delivery
date (RDD) or the earliest document date is
selected as the basis for the TCN.
ML-NManagement List-Navy. The price list for
all material used by the Navy except medical
supplies, subsistence, and ammunition. It also
contains other elements of inventory management
M O D U L A R C O N T A I N E R S A s e r i e s o f
specific-size containers so designed that they can
be arranged together like blocks in several
patterns and form uniform palletized unit loads.
MPPNavy and Marine Corps Military Pay
NCNot Carried. Material for which them is no
storeroom allowance.
NET WEIGHTThe total weight of an item. It does
not include the weight of the container or
packaging material.
NIINNational Item Identification Number. A
nine-digit number assigned to a specific item of
material for purposes of identification.
NISNot In Stock. Material that is normally stocked
in the storeroom but the supply of which is
temporarily exhausted.
appear in authorized allowance documents or, that
appear without an allowed quantity.
NONAUTOMATED SHIPSShips that do not have
EDC equipment for processing supply and
accounting documents and records. Ships having
only keypunch facilities are considered to be
absence of a MILSTRIP requisition, a TCN is
constructed using the originators unit
identification code (UIC), the date, Alpha Code,
and serial number(s).
NON-SIM ITEMAn item that does not have
sufficient demand frequency to qualify as a SIM
NOT CARRIED (NC) ITEMSSynonymous with
the term nonstocked material. Items that are not
stocked (i.e., items for which the supply
department does not maintain stock records
showing current on-hand stock balances).
NOT IN STOCK (NIS) ITEMSCarried items that
are on board when a demand occurs.
NSANavy Stock Account. Inventory of stores
purchased from the Navy Stock Fund that have not
yet been expended to end-use.
NSFNavy Stock Fund. A revolving fund which
finances the purchase or manufacture of 11 stores
supplies, and services that are to be taken up in the
NSNNational Stock Number.
FSC and nine-digit NIIN.
NTINavy Travel Regulations.
Composed of the
OPERATING LEVELThe quantity of material
(exclusive of safety level) needed to sustain
operations during the time between two
successive requisitions. Normally, it is the
quantity between the requisitioning objective
(high limit) and the reorder point (low limit).
shipboard operating spaces (e.g., shipfitter shop,
electrical shop, laundry, etc.). These items are not
recorded in stock records and are not under control
of the supply office. Management of operating
space items is vested in the department heads who
control the operating spaces where they are
located. The COSAL has a consolidated list of
operating space items for the guidance of