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This training manual has been prepared for
members of the Regular Navy and Naval Reserve in the
Storekeeper rating who are peparing for advancement
to Storekeeper 3rd and 2nd class. The Advancement
Handbook for your rating contains detailed information
about the Navy Advancement System, a bibliography
for advancement study, Personnel Advancement
Requirements (PARS), and PARS administration
This manual has been organized to give you a
systematic understanding of your job. Study the subject
matter of this manual carefully. It will not only help you
toward advancement, but expand your knowledge of
supply department operations. This knowledge will
enable you to become a more proficient Storekeeper,
and the Navy will profit from the skills of a proficient
Your contribution to the Navy depends upon
your willingness and ability to accept increasing
responsibilities as you advance in rate. When you
assume the duties of an SK3 or 2, you begin to accept
responsibilities for the work of others. As you advance
in your career, you accept responsibilities in military
matters as well as the occupational requirements of the
Storekeeper rating.
Your responsibilities for military leadership are
about the same as those of petty officers in other ratings
since every petty officer is a military member as well as
a technical specialist.
Your responsibilities for
technical leadership are special to your rating and
directly related to your work as an SK. The operation
and maintenance of a ship’s supply department requires
teamwork. It requires a special kind of leadership
ability that can be developed only by personnel who
have a high degree of technical competence and a deep
sense of personal responsibility. Strive to improve your
leadership ability and technical knowledge through
study, observation, and practical application.
The Storekeeper rating is a GENERAL RATING;
there are no service ratings. Storekeepers order,
receive, inspect, stow, preserve, package, ship, and issue
materials. They also account for Navy-owned material
(equipage, repair parts, consumables, and subsistence
items); prepare forms, correspondence, and reports;
maintain records and files; and operate office
To qualify for Storekeeper 3rd class, you must have
acquired a broad general knowledge of the supply
department functions, as a whole, and a detailed
knowledge of those functions that you will be required
to perform.
You will be expected to know how the supply
department is organized and be able to assume supply
office duties which include (to some degree) all of the
above responsibilities.
To advance to Storekeeper second class, you must
know more about the operation of the supply
department, and be able to perform more complicated
duties than you did when qualifying for advancement
to third class.
By this time you will have to know how to prepare
and maintain ship’s records required to account for
supplies and equipage funds assigned to forces afloat,
and obligation reports to type commanders. You will
have to know how to determine routine requirements
for general stores, equipage, and repair parts. You must
also be able to supervise others in receiving, handling,
and stowing material. You should know the regulations
pertaining to storage and processing shipments of
personal effects.
Organization charts can be misleading, for they
show each job as a separate and distinct responsibility.
This is seldom the case. It is difficult to separate the
areas covered by supply since, with the exception of
ship’s store and foodservice, they are interrelated, and
each area is directly affected by actions in all the other
areas. Usually the responsibilities of a Storekeeper
encompass parts of more than one area. The following
job titles are used throughout the text to describe a
specific function within the Storekeeper rating and do
not necessarily refer to job titles used on your ship.
OPTAR Records Storekeeper