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Receiving Storekeeper
Storeroom Storekeeper
Stock Records Storekeeper
Office Storekeeper
Issueroom Storekeeper
Requisitioning/Purchase Storekeeper
Receipt Control Storekeeper
Technical Librarian
While all of these jobs are normally performed on
all ships, the degree of specialization within a supply
department is dictated by its size.
You will be able to do a better job if you develop an
awareness of how your particular job fits into the overall
responsibility of the supply department. In this way,
you will not see yourself as performing an insignificant,
unimportant drudgery, but rather that each function
contributes to the general effectiveness of the
Neatness and legibility of records should not be
overlooked in the rush to complete a job. Remember,
someone else may have to use the records in performing
the job, and a number incorrectly read will probably
result in an incorrect report.
Morale is a word having a great deal of significant
in the Navy. You, as a Storekeeper, can contribute much
toward the morale of your ship by giving courteous,
tactful service to personnel of all departments.
Afloat billets for SK3 and SK2 may include anyone
or more of the areas discussed in this book and maybe
located aboard any ship in the Navy. Shore duty billets
are usually more specialized, but generally will be
similar to afloat jobs.
Career development, is a process that provides the
technical, administrative, and leadership skills needed
for a career in the supply field. To help you plan your
career development, the Navy provides a specialist
called a Career Counselor, an Advancement Handbook
for the Storekeeper rating and nonresident training
materials found in Publication NAVEDTRA 12061,
Catalog of Nonresident Training Courses. Any serious
considerations for planning a career in supply requires
that you investigate these sources. As a first step in your
investigation, see the person responsible for the
administration of the supply department’s training
The primary source for enlisted career development
has been the Navy’s formal school programs. While the
importance of this type of training cannot be
overemphasized, it should not be viewed as a cure-all
approach to your career development. To effectively
meet the real world responsibilities of your rating, the
development of high quality performance requires that
your career development be designed to provide a
timely mixture of formal training and practical
experience. These topics, and others, you will want to
discuss in detail with those involved with assisting you
in planning your career objectives. Career development
is not purely automatic; it requires your personal
attention and participation.
Training Manuals (TRAMANs) (such as this one)
are prepared for most enlisted ratings. A TRAMAN
gives information that is directly related to the
occupational standards of ONE rating.
TRAMANS are revised to keep them up to date
technically. The revision of a TRAMAN is identified
by a letter following the NAVEDTRA number. You can
tell whether any particular copy of a TRAMAN is the
latest edition by checking the NAVEDTRA number and
the letter following this number in the most recent
edition of Catalog of Nonresident Training Courses,
NAVEDTRA 12061. (NAVEDTR4 12061 is actually
a catalog that lists all current training manuals and
courses; you will find this catalog useful in planning
your study program.)
Each time a TRAMAN is revised, it conforms with
the official publications and directives on which it is
based; but during the life of any edition, discrepancies
between the TRAMAN and the official sources are
almost certain to arise because of changes to the latter
which are issued in the interim. In the performance of
your duties, you should always refer to the appropriate
official publication or directive. If the official source is
listed in NAVEDTRA 12052, the Naval Education and
Training Program Management Support Activity
(NETPMSA) uses it as a source of questions in
preparing the fleetwide examinations for advancement.
In case of a discrepancy between any publications listed
in NAVEDTRA 12052 for a given rate, the examination
writers will use the most recent material.