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TRAMANs are designed to help you qualify for
advancement. The following suggestions may help you
to make the best use of this TRAMAN and other Navy
training publications when you are preparing for
Refer to the Advancement Handbook for
Storekeeper before you study the TRAMAN,
and refer to it frequently as you study.
Remember, not only does it contain a
bibliography for advancement study, it also
contains the PARS and PARS administrative
Set up a regular study plan. It will probably be
easier for you to stick to a schedule if you can
plan to study at the same time each day. If
possible, schedule your studying for a time of
day when you will not have too many
interruptions or distractions.
Before you begin to study any part of the manual
intensively, become familiar with the entire
book. Read the preface and the table of
contents. Check through the index. Thumb
through the book without any particular plan,
looking at the illustrations and reading bits here
and there as you see things that interest you.
Look at the TRAMAN in more detail, to see how
it is organized. Look at the table of contents
again. Then, chapter by chapter, read the
introduction, the headings, and the subheadings.
This will give you a pretty clear picture of the
scope and content of the book. As you look
though the book in this way, ask yourself some
What do I need to learn about this?
What do I already know about this?
How is this information related
information given in other chapters?
How is this information related to the
When you have a general idea of what is in the
TRAMAN and how it is organized, fill in the
details by intensive study. In each study Period,
try to cover a complete unit such as chapter or a
section of a chapter. The amount of material that
you can cover at one time will vary. If you know
the subject well, or if the material is easy, you
can cover a lot at one time. Difficult or
unfamiliar material will require more study
In studying any one unit, chapter, section, or
subsection, write down the questions that occur
to you. Many people find it helpful to make a
written outline of the unit as they study, or at
least to write down the most important ideas.
As you study, relate the information in the
TRAMAN to the knowledge you already have.
Read any information you can find about a
process, skill, or situation and try to see how it
ties in with your own experience.
When you have finished studying a unit, take
time out to see what you have learned. Look
back over your notes and questions. Maybe
some of your questions have been answered, but
perhaps you still have some that are not
answered. Without looking at the TRAMAN,
write down the main ideas that you have
received from studying this unit. Dont just
quote the book. If you cant give these ideas in
your own words, the chances are that you have
not really mastered the information.
Use nonresident career courses whenever you
can. The courses are based on TRAMANs or on
other appropriate texts. As mentioned before,
o f a T R A M A N c a n b e
accomplished by passing a nonresident career
course based on the training manual. Taking a
course helps you to master the information
given in the TRAMAN, and also helps you see
how much you have learned.
Besides training manuals, the Advancement
handbook for SK lists official publications on which
you may be examined. You should not only study the
sections required, but should also become as familiar as
possible with all publications you use. TRAMANs
cover the subjects that may appear on the advancement
examination. However, the examination may cover the
subjects in more depth or breadth so, you also need to
study the other publications listed for Storekeepers.
One of the most useful things you can learn about a
subject is how to find out more about it. No single
publication can give you all the information you need to
perform the duties of your rating. You should learn where
to look for up-to-Date authoritative information on the