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Figure 10-38.Processing an itemized Aged Unfilled Order.
Figure 10-39 shows the requisition completion
status of the unfilled orders itemized on the listing
illustrated in figure 10-37.
Unfilled orders that have been completed more than
60 days before the listings Processed date (that is,
unfilled orders in the third category described on the
preceding page) are discussed in NAVSO P-3073.
Preparation of an unfilled order adjustment
document: When the OPTAR recordskeeper prepares
an unfilled order adjustment document, the green copy
of a 1348 must be annotated with:
1. the unit identification code (UIC) and name of
the DAO in block A;
2. the ships UIC and name in block B;
3. AC1 in block 1;
4. the stock number in blocks 4 and 5;
5. the unit of issue in block 7;
6. the quantity in block 8;
7. the document number in blocks 9, 10, 11, and
8. the fund code in block 17;
9. the cognizance symbol in block 18;
10. the Issue Priority Designator (IPD) in block 20;
11. the unit price in block T;
12. the total price (that is, the amount being
canceled in block U); and
ABOVE THRESHOLD in the Remarks
The unfilled order adjustment document, when
completed, is placed in the Holding File 2 for the
corresponding fiscal year.
Confirmed cancellations: If the OPTAR
recordskeeper decides to record the AD CANC on the
List of Continued Cancellations that is kept in Holding
File 2, that list must be annotated in the manner
illustrated in figure 10-40.
Filing the AUOL: Processing of the AUOL must be
completed within 20 days after the receipt of the listing
aboard ship.
A Summary of AUOL: When processing an AUOL,
refer to a checkoff list such as the one illustrated in
figure 10-41.
Each month the value of material transfers
(excluding material turned into stores ashore for credit,
and ships fuel) to other operating force units and shore
activities must be summarized in order to effect the
necessary appropriation, subhead, operating budget,