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Chapter 8
Manual of Navy Total Force Manpower Policies, and Procedures, OPNAVINST
1000.16G, Chief of Naval Operations, Washington, DC, June 1990.
Chapter 9
Issuance of Navy Passenger Transportation Manual ( P T M ) ,
NAVMILPERSCOMINST 4650.2A, Bureau of Naval Personnel, Washington,
DC, November 1987.
Joint Federal Travel Regulations (JTFTR), volume I, NAVSO P6034, Per Diem,
Travel and Transportation Allowance Committee, Alexandria, VA, July 1986.
U.S. Navy Travel Instructions, NAVSO P-1459, Office of the Comptroller,
Washington, DC, August 1985.
Chapter 10
Department of the Navy Information Security Program Regulation, OPNAVINST
5510.1H, Chief of Naval Operations, Washington, DC, May 1991.
Chapter 11
Enlisted Transfer Manual (ENLTRANSMAN), NAVPERS 15909D, Bureau of
Naval Personnel, Washington, DC, September 1988.
of Navy Passenger Transportation Manual ( P T M ) ,
NAVMILPERSCOMINST 4650.2A, Bureau of Naval Personnel, Washington,
DC, November 1987.
Manual for Courts-Martial, United States, 1984.
Manual of the Judge Advocate General (JAGMAN), JAGINST 5800.7C, Judge
Advocate General, Alexandria, VA, October 1990.
Naval Military Personnel Manual (MILPERSMAN), NAVPERS 15560C, Bureau
of Naval Personnel, Washington, DC, August 1991.
U.S. Navy Regulations, 1990, United States Government Printing Office,
Washington, DC, 1990.
Chapter 12
Department of the Navy Information Security Program Regulations, OPNAVINST
5510.1H, Chief of Naval Operations, Washington, DC, May 1991.
Enlisted Transfer Manual (ENLTRANSMAN), NAVPERS 15909D, Bureau of
Naval Personnel, Washington, DC, September 1988.
Manual for Courts-Martial, United States, 1984.
Naval Military Personnel Manual (MILPERSMAN), NAVPERS 15560C, Bureau
of Naval Personnel, Washington, DC, August 1991.
Navy Guide for Retired Personnel and Their Families, NAVPERS 15891G, Bureau
of Naval Personnel, Washington, DC, March 1992.
Officer Transfer Manual, NAVPERS 15559, Bureau of Naval Personnel,
Washington, DC, August 1984.