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l An information requirement is a report from
which an office or organization draws part or all of the
data required for another report.
. A reporting system is the means through which a
report or related reports, including the procedures,
methods of preparing, and transmitting, achieve either
a single end result or support a complete information
system, a portion of a system, or an operation.
. A reports analysis is a management service that
provides for making or assisting in analysis studies for
the purpose of developing and ensuring continued
provision of the most effective reports and reporting
. A public report is a plan and/or report form used
by or for a government agency for the collection of
information from the general public including private
agencies and industrial concerns. Each request to collect
information from the public must be approved by the
Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
Although some reports are exempt from the
requirement for a report symbol (see the Review of
Proposed Administrative Issuances, SECNAVINST
5200.29B), most reports will be identified, along with
their titles, by a report control symbol. This symbol
indicates that the report has been reviewed and approved
as a valid requirement and the respondents have the
responsibility of providing the requested information.
A report control symbol is assigned by the command
reports control manager. The Secretary of the Navy
(SECNAV) and Office of the Chief of Naval Operations
(OPNAV) report control symbols are assigned by the
Commander, Naval Data Automation Command
(COMNAVDAC). The symbol of the highest authority
will appear on the report. For example, if a DD symbol
is assigned to a report, all responding commands will
use the DD symbol, expiration dates as assigned by the
Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), and
associated report title. Reports control managers must
not substitute their own command symbol to a report
having a higher level symbol.
The composition of a Navy report control symbol
assigned by the reports control manager is as follows:
Example: OPNAV 5214-1
. The letters OPNAV indicate the authorized
abbreviation of the bureau, office, shore activity, or fleet
command that requires the report.
. The four or five digits together5214 in the
exampleindicate the SSIC number that identifies the
subject of the report. The SSIC 5214 pertains to Reports
Management. Use the Department of the Navy File
Maintenance Procedures and Standard Subject
ldentification Codes, SECNAVINST5210.11D, to find
the appropriate SSIC numbers and their associated
. The last digit, separated by a dash, is the next
consecutive number in that SSIC series. In the example,
OPNAV 5214-1 is the first OPNAV symbolized report
in the 5214 series.
. Consecutive numbers assigned in a report control
symbol must not be reused even if the report is
subsequently canceled or expired.
. The composition of a Department of Defense
(DOD) report control symbol assigned by the reports
control manager in the Office of the Assistant Secretary
of Defense (Comptroller) is as follows:
Example: DD-COMP (SA) 725Reimbursable
. The letters DD indicate that this is a DOD report.
l The abbreviation before the parenthesis is the
office within DOD requiring the report. COMP is the
Office of the Comptroller.
l The letters in parentheses indicate the frequency
of the report. SA is semiannual.
l The digits indicate the next consecutive number
assigned by the DOD reports control manager for the
overall system. The number 725 is the next consecutive
number assigned for all DOD reports, not the next
consecutive number for COMP reports.
l The Navy reports control manager assigns an
appropriate SSIC number in parentheses after the DOD
symbol. For Navy purposes the report control symbol
DD-COMP(SA)725( 7010) represents a DD report. The
7010 designates a report about nonappropriatcd funds.
The entire number is written without spaces.
l A one-time DOD report control symbol is written
as DD-COMP(OT)9336(7010). This is the same as the
recurring report control symbol except that OT means
the report will only be submitted one time. The first two