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request properly and ask the member to sign it. Offer to
take care of the request from here. By performing this
function the counselor can change many maybes into
yess and allow plenty of time to routinely process the
request. Provide follow-up interviews for those maybes
who have cold feet and have the ships office or PASS
office contact the CCC when someone cancels a request
to reenlist/extend. Then the CCC can schedule
follow-up interviews as required.
Do not try to sell civilian career opportunities to
members who decide to reenlist; the effort is
counterproductive. When members definitely decide
against reenlistment, give the full-scale civilian career
opportunities presentation. If, during follow-up
interviews, members decide that they definitely do not
wish to reenlist, give the full-scale presentation on
preparing for a civilian career at that time.
Schedule follow-up interviews on a monthly basis
until ayes can be obtained or the member has completed
the loss tracking schedule as outlined in the Retention
Team Manual. Scheduling should be done while the
member is present to prevent a conflict in the times that
the interviewer and the member are available. Let the
member know the time, place, and date.
17-Year Monitor Interview
The group presentation should normally be given
when the members have 16 years and 11 months of
active duty and the personal interview by the
division/work center career counselor should be given
at the 17-year point. The group presentation for this
interview will probably include 2 or more months of
scheduled interviews in advance to have a quorum for a
group presentation. During this interview the benefits of
remaining on active duty past the initial Fleet Reserve
eligibility date should be stressed. There should be a
complete discussion of the Survivor Benefits Plan
(SBP) and other survivor annuties during the interview.
Preretirement/Separation Interview
There will be a group presentation for the members
due a separation interview because of EAOS only and a
separate presentation for members retiring or going to
the Fleet Reserve. The presentation for both groups
should be scheduled 120 days before departing active
duty. The personal interviews for both groups must be
conducted by the division/work center career counselor
no later than 45 days before actual separation from
active duty.
To assist fleet units and activities in carrying out the
required procedures, the commander of the Naval
Reserve Force provides preseparation presentations.
These presentations are given by the Naval Reserve
Career Information Teams (CARITs) headquartered in
Norfolk, Virginia, and San Diego, California. For more
information on the CARITs, refer to the Naval Reserve
Preseparation Counseling of Active Duty Personnel,
Individual commands should schedule and require
all eligible officer and enlisted personnel undergoing
separation processing within CONUS, Alaska, or
Hawaii to attend a formal CARIT presentation.
Deploying units should schedule, 90 days before
all personnel who are to be
discharged/released from active duty before the units
The CCC attached to activities outside CONUS
should give the preseparation and the retirement/Fleet
Reserve presentation.
It is important to document the results of all the
required interviews. The results are recorded on the
Career Counselor Record, NAVPERS 1160/11 (fig.
3-4A, front, and fig. 3-4B, back), the interview form
provided in the SNAPS system, or a retention interview
form such as the one in figure 3-5. The original interview
form should be returned to the CCC via the members
retention team chain of command so it can be reviewed
and placed in the members individual counseling file.
Keep in mind that all interviews conducted during the
month will be discussed during the next months
departmental retention team meeting. Having accurate
results of interviews will help the retention team
determine what action, if any, is needed to help the
individuals meet their goals or correct any problems
they are experiencing.