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The programs are designed to provide additional
numbers of electronics, technical, and nuclear trained
personnel for the naval service. Because of extended
periods of advanced training, these programs require a
6-year service obligation. Accelerated advancements
are benefits of the program, but failure to receive
advancement does not reduce active obligated service.
Detailed information on these programs are contained
A career as a Yeoman in the Navy offers you a wide
variety of billets and opportunities. You will not always
be assigned to an administrative office aboard ship or
shore station. You could be assigned to independent
duty, duty overseas with a military assistance advisory
group (MAAG), as an instructor at YN A or C school,
as an admirals writer, at a joint staff (Army, Air Force,
and Navy), or even a North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(NATO) staff. The opportunities for a challenging career
are available-all you have to do is become qualified and
take advantage of them.
The Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC) structure
supplements the enlisted rating structure by identifying
special knowledge and skills requiring more specific
identification than is provided by rates and
ratingsskills that are not ratingwide requirements.
These special skills and knowledge required in specific
billets or manpower authorizations are identified by
special NEC codes. When the rating structure alone is
insufficient for manpower management purposes, the
NEC coding system more precisely identifies personnel
and manpower requirements. The number of billets that
require special NEC codes is continually compared with
the number of personnel who possess the skills and
knowledge designated by the NEC codes. The
comparison between the number of NEC billets
available and the number of qualified personnel
available is used to plan and control the input of people
into the formal courses that prepare them for the desired
NECs. Consequently, the continuing enlisted strength of
the Navy, particularly petty officer allocations and the
funds authorized for rating and specialty training,
depends heavily upon the accuracy, thoroughness, and
timeliness of NEC codings. So that management may
fulfill its manpower requirements, the personnel to
support ratings and special programs must be identified
by the correct rate, rating, and/or NEC.
People who feel they have a chance to learn new
skills and get interesting assignments are more likely to
stay in the Navy. So, for your own benefit and to keep
your people informed, you will want to know the special
career opportunities available. Consider a career as a
Flag Officer Writer, NEC 2514. YNs selected for Flag
Officer Writer are sent to C school for approximately 16
weeks of intensive training in shorthand, English
grammar and composition, protocol, officer fitness
reports, and a variety of other subjects to prepare them
to manage an admirals office. As a Flag Officer Writer,
you must be able to take and transcribe dictation at a
minimum speed of 90 words per minute; draft personal
and professional correspondence; act on matters of
social usage, protocol, honors, and ceremonies; and
prepare travel orders and officer fitness reports. As a
YN1 or YNC, you already possess the aptitude to
perform the work of a Flag Officer Writer. The technical
administration of social usage, protocol, and honors and
ceremonies is discussed further in chapter 3.
To keep current with NECs that are added or
changed, refer to the latest edition of the Manual of Navy
Enlisted Manpower and Personnel Classifications and
Occupational Standards, NAVPERS 18068F, section II,
Navy Enlisted Classifications.
Members who show interest in a specialty will want
to know how they can attain the NEC. You should advise
them in the following manner. Suppose one of your
people is interested in becoming a Navy instructor. First,
explain to your personnel that interest alone should not
be the only reason for obtaining a particular specialty.
They should possess a basic ability to perform the work
requirements of the specialty. You should then
determine if the individual meets the requirements for a
Navy instructor and, provided those requirements are
met, request a school quota for the individual. If your
command does not have a requirement for a Navy
instructor, the individual should be advised to indicate
on the duty preference sheet that he or she desires to
attend the Navy instructor course and that the member
desires duty as an instructor. The Navy does not
generally send an individual to a school unless the
training is subsequently used. Upon satisfactory
completion of basic instructor school, the individual
would be assigned the NEC code 9502. The basic
instructor school is only one of many Navy courses that
will qualify an individual for an NEC. Satisfactory
completion of a prescribed course of instruction may
also qualify an individual for more than one NEC.
You should always check the latest edition of the
Catalog of Navy Training Courses (CANTRAC),