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Officer separations-Continued
early release, 12-2
involuntary, 12-2
resignation for the good of the service, 12-3
resignation (qualified), 12-2
resignation to escape trial before a general court-
martial, 12-3
resignation (unqualified), 12-1
retirements, 12-2
revocation of commission, 124
separation for cause, 12-3
voluntary, 12-1
Other advancement programs, 2-7
Accelerated Advancement program, 2-9
Selective Conversion and Reenlistment program,
Selective Training and Reenlistment program, 2-9
Overdue reports, 6-6
notice to departments, 6-7
tickler system, 6-7
Overseas assignments, mandatory checklist for, 3-10
Paper work involved with officer separation, 12-6
discharge certificates, 12-7
orders for separation, 12-7
PARs, 2-4
Passenger reservation procedures, 9-7
Passenger reservation request, 9-7
Passenger transportation, 9-6
Per diem under the lodgings-plus system, 9-3
availability of government quarters, 9-5
computations, 9-4
constructive travel time, 9-4
day of departure from and day of return to PDS, 9-5
essential unit messing, 9-4
lodging expense, 9-3
Per diem under the lodgings-plus system-Continued
meals and incidental expenses, 9-3
receipts for lodging, 9-3
while at the TAD/TDY station, 9-5
Permanent change of station travel form, 9-9
completion and submission, 9-10
instructions for completion, 9-10
types of transfers, 9-9
Personal award recommendations, 4-5
commendatory remarks, 4-6
opening sentence, 4-6
statement of heroic/meritorious achievement or
service, 4-6
Personal problems, assistance with, 1-7
American Red Cross, 1-9
counseling and assistance center, 1-8
family service center, 1-7
naval legal service office, 1-8
Navy chaplains, 1-9
Navy Relief Society, 1-8
Navy Wives Organizations, 1-8
ombudsman, 1-8
Personnel advancement requirements, 2-4
Physical disability, 12-8
Power of attorney, 11-17
Preferral of charges, 11-4
Preparing for Navywide examinations, 2-4
Advancement Handbook for Petty Officers, 2-5
Bibliography for Advancement Study, 2-5
Manual of Navy Enlisted Manpower and Personnel
Classifications and Occupational Standards,
personnel advancement requirements certification,
Recommendation for Advancement in Rate or
Change of Rating (Worksheet), 2-7
Pride, 7-2