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T- Passengers described in NOTE 1
Item 5 - Excess Baggage: Normally, two pieces of
baggage per passenger are authorized on all MAC
flights. Omit the item if no excess baggage is authorized.
If excess baggage (over and above the normal baggage
allowance) is authorized, indicate the number of pieces
of excess baggage authorized.
Item 6 - Transportation Passenger Movement
Enter the appropriate transportation
movement priority code if shown in orders. Otherwise,
omit item.
Item 7 - Type Travel Codes:
PT -
CT -
OA -
EA -
CC -
PE -
PU -
CU -
DU -
CD -
EL -
Authorized or directed air travel of military
personnel in TDY (TEMADD/TAD/TAO.)
See NOTE 1. This code is not to be used for
emergency leave (EL) or temporary duty in
connection with PCS orders.
Authorized or directed air travel of civilian
personnel in TDY status.
Authorized or directed air travel of military
officer personnel in PCS status, accompanied
by dependents.
Authorized or directed air travel of military
enlisted personnel in PCS status, accompanied
by dependents.
Authorized or directed air travel of civilian
personnel in PCS status, accompanied by
A dependent of a U.S. citizen employee of the
Department of Defense (DOD) when classified
as an armed forces patient.
Authorized or directed air travel of military
personnel in PCS status, not accompanied by
Authorized or directed air travel of civilian
personnel in PCS status, not accompanied by
Dependent(s) not accompanied by military
Dependent(s) not accompanied by civilian
Emergency leave, military member (space
RL -
RT -
PC -
PM -
Reemployment leave, civilian sponsor and/or
dependents (space required).
Authorized reimbursable air travel for
non-DOD funded passengers.
A U.S. citizen employee of the DOD when
classified as an armed forces patient.
An active duty or retired member of a military
department, excluding the U.S. Coast Guard, in
an armed forces patient status.
A dependent of a member of a military PD department
on active duty or of a member deceased while on active
duty, or a dependent of a retired or deceased retired member
of a military department who is authorized medical care
under the provisions of AFR 168-9 (NOTAL).
PZ - Family members authorized to accompany
U.S. Armed Forces patients who are
transported in PCS status–reimbursable.
PP - All other patients/persons for whom
reimbursable transportation has been
authorized, including members of the U.S.
Coast Guard and their dependents.
PA - Special medical or nonmedical attendants.
Passengers electing reimbursable space-required
travel will be assigned travel codes as follows:
RA -
RB -
RC -
Dependent travel in connection with a family
Close blood/affinitive relatives traveling per
the member’s PCS move.
All other reimbursable travelers.
Item 8 - Date of Detachment/Graduation: Enter the
date of detachment from present duty station, or the date
of graduation if the member is a student.
Item 9 - Availability Departure Date: Preferred date
of departure from the aerial point of embarkation
(APOE). Indicate the day and month travel is desired
from APOE after completion of authorized
Item 10 - Mandatory Departure Date: Date by
which the traveler must depart in order to arrive at
destination in time to fulfill mission requirements
(official commitment, conference, reporting deadline,
or other). If there is no mandatory date in the orders,
omit (this date is not applicable for dependents),
Item 11 - Origin Station: Enter the geographical
location of present duty station, or in the case of ships,