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the port where the individual will be detached. If
detached overseas, state the location.
Item 12 - Ultimate Duty Station: Permanent or
temporary duty station (activity or ship to include the
unit identification code [UIC]) to which traveler is
ending one-way trip. (Use the Standard Navy
Distribution List [SNDL] or Navy communications
abbreviations for activities, and include hull number of
Item 13 - Intermediate Duty Station: Station to
which traveler will report for TEMADD/ TAD/
TEMDU/TDY while en route to ultimate duty station.
Item 14 - Leave Address After Detachment:
Provide leave address, ZIP Code, and telephone number
(including area code).
Item 15 - Orders Directing Transfer: Submit order
number/transportation code (TC) directing PCS
transfers (example:
BUPERS Order 123456 for
officers; BUPERS TC B0155 for enlisted). Submit
TANGO number and date orders issued for
Item 16 - Additional Information: When applicable,
indicate TEMADD/TAD/TEMDU/TDY activities in
CONUS en route to overseas duty. Furnish any other
pertinent information.
Item 17 - Return Date: If the traveler is on
TEMADD/TAD, provide the date available for return
transportation to duty station.
Item 18 - Return Origin: Point where temporary
duty traveler will be available for return transportation.
Item 19 - Return Destination: Point to which
temporary duty traveler must return.
Item 20 - Passports:
Member/sponsor. If travel is to a destination
requiring a passport, and a no-fee passport is in
the traveler’s possession, give passport number
and expiration date. If applying for a no-fee
passport, give date and place of birth and date
and place passport application was submitted.
Dependent. If dependent(s) are traveling to a
destination requiring a passport, and no-fee
passports are in their possession, give passport
number and expiration date for each dependent.
If applying for a no-fee passport, give date and
place of birth and date and place each passport
application was submitted.
Item 21- Dependent Travel: For dependent travel,
provide the following information:
EAOS of member or obligated service date of
naval reservist.
Estimated date dependents will be available to
depart CONUS.
DOD prescribed accompanied tour length as
indicated in the OFFTRANSMAN and/or
Suitability of member and dependents for
residency overseas. See OFFTRANSMAN
Item 22 - Fiscal Data: For personnel detaching from
deployed units, include the funding appropriation to be
used by the NAVPTO in case routing via commercial
transportation may be required and a MAC CIC in case
routing is via MAC transportation.
NOTE 1: Certain categories of passengers who
were previously authorized space-available only are
now also authorized the option of accepting
space-required transportation reimbursable to the
government by the traveler or sponsor. See
NAVMILPERSCOMINST 4650.2A, chapter 6, section
Each year the Navy spends millions of dollars for
the transportation of military personnel and their
dependents and the shipment of personal property
between the old and new duty stations. The PCS Travel,
NAVPERS 7041/1, is the primary source of statistical
information regarding transfers and is an essential tool
used in the fiscal management of the Permanent Change
of Station (PCS) Program. Without the travel
information, effective and efficient budgeting of PCS
funds is impossible.
Orders initiating PCS transfers originate as either
BUPERS orders or field orders. BUPERS orders are
delivered to the member’s command from the
orderwriting community. Field orders are delivered to
the member under the authority of the CO and include
the following:
. Accessions and separations (enlisted members,
midshipmen, officer candidate school members,