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predetermined standard distribution. General messages
are titled; for example, ALCOM, ALMILACT, and
Composing clear and concise text.
NAVOP. Because the title indicates the distribution, it
serves as the address designator in the address line of
Applying the proper security classification,
special handling, and declassification markings
required by the Department of the Navy
Information and Personnel Security Program
Regulation, OPNAVINST 5510.1H, and
making sure records are maintained to show the
source of derivation for the classification
Selecting the appropriate precedence.
Coordinating message staffing.
the message heading. To attain uniformity of format
with joint procedures, general messages are assigned,
following the general message title, a consecutive
three-digit serial number followed by a single slant and
the last two digits of the current calendar year; for
example, NAVOP 015/93. The general message title
and number/year stand alone on the line after the
classification and before the subject.
Making sure the message is correctly formatted
General Administrative (GENADMIN) is the
and free of errors.
format used for most narrative messages with the
Ensuring the proper use and selection of
exceptions being those narrative messages from which
appropriate message handling instruction(s)
a publication, instruction, or other directive requires a
and/or operating signal(s).
different format.
The Communications Improvement Memorandum
(CIM) Program is an after-the-fact training aid to inform
message drafters, releasers, and communications
personnel of procedural errors in order to prevent their
When writing a message, the drafter has the
responsibility for the determination of precedence,
CIMs are intended to enhance the users awareness
although the releaser confirms, or may change, the
and the overall efficiency of the NTS. Receipt of a CIM
precedence assigned. There are four precedence
should not be interpreted or considered as a reprimand
categories. Each precedence has an established
to an individual or command but as an informal notice
speed-of-service (SOS) objective that provides the
fastest communication support possible. The four
of a procedural error.
precedence categories and their SOS objectives are as
There are four types of classified and unclassified
narrative messages: single address, multiple address,
book, and general message.
As fast as possible with
an objective of less than
10 minutes
. A single address is a message that has only one
30 minutes
addressee, either action (TO) or information (INFO).
3 hours
. A multiple address is a message that has two or
more addressees, whether action or information, and is
6 hours
of such a nature that the drafter considers that each
addressee should know the other recipients.
The importance of not assigning a higher precedence
than is necessary cannot be overemphasized. The
. A book is a message that is destined for two or
following elements must be considered:
more addressees but is of such a nature that the drafter
considers that no addressee need or should be informed
. The urgency of the subject matter, remembering
of the other addressee(s). For example, a commercial
that importance does not necessarily imply urgency.
contract bid is a book message.
. The time element involved, including
. General messages are designed to meet recurring
consideration of time difference between widely
requirements for issuing information to a wide,
separated geographical areas.