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SNDL--Standard Navy Distribution List.
SORM--Standard Organization and
Regulations of the U.S. Navy.
SPCM--Special court-martial, used in
naval justice matters.
STRIKER--A member working toward or
within a rating.
TR--Transportation request.
UA--Unauthorized absence.
UCMJ--Uniform Code of Military Justice.
UIC--Unit identification code.
UPB--Unit Punishment Book.
USC--United States Code.
TEMADD--Temporary additional duty.
VA--Veterans Administration.
TEMDU--Temporary duty.
WO--Warrant officer.
TICKLER--System used to remind report
preparer when recurring reports are due.
TIR--Time in rate.
TOP SECRET--The security classification
category used to identify material the
unauthorized disclosure of which could
reasonably be expected to cause exceptionally
grave damage to the national security.
WP--Word processing.
WPE--Word processing equipment.
ZIP CODE--Zone improvement plan; a
five- or nine-digit number that identifies each
postal delivery area in the United States.