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samples is by obtaining them from all
organizational components, despite the fact
that there will be duplicates.
Organizational components should submit
a copy of each form they use, both local and
nonlocal. It is essential that the organizational
units write on each form the name of the
office using the form and the estimated annual
usage. They should also attach copies of any
directives that prescribe the form or furnish
information for its use. If the instructions for
the form are part of a manual or publication,
the reference to the manual or
publication need be noted.
Filing Forms by SSICs
When samples of forms have been
collected, they are identified and filed. The
SSIC is used to identify and number all the
forms. When the forms are identified and
assigned SSICs, they should be placed in one
file. Identifying and filing forms by subject
or function bring together all those having
similar problems. This permits comparison of
proposed and existing forms with all other
similar or related forms. Thus, forms may be
consolidated, standardized, or eliminated if
duplication exists.
Activities will gain maximum benefits
from the file by assigning one person the job
of keeping the file up to date. That person
can then add new or revised forms and weed
out obsolete ones.
Local forms should be arranged and filed
in numerical order by SSICs. Nonlocal forms
are filed in folders labeled with their basic
SSIC; that is, all nonlocal forms in the 4700
subject group are filed together in one folder.
The folder is then placed in numerical order
in the file drawer.
A separate folder is prepared for each
local form. It is labeled with the originators
authorized abbreviation,
the SSIC, the
consecutive number, and the title of the form;
for example, SIMA PAC 4700/1-Job Order.
As mentioned previously, the folders are filed
numerically by SSIC and consecutive number
behind the folders containing nonlocal forms
in the same subject group.
Dividers or
dummy folders may be labeled and used to
separate subject groups for which nonlocal
forms are not available.
Each folder of local forms should contain
the following:
l A copy of the directive prescribing the
form or furnishing instructions for its use (or
a reference to the directive if it is in manual
form or otherwise unavailable)
l A copy of the approved design
l Printing requisitions and specifications
l A copy of the printed form and any
subsequent revisions
l A reproducible copy, if pertinent
l A record of the cost of the form; that
is, printing, designing, and procedural analysis
l Related papers, analyses, surveys, or
memoranda pertaining to the form or related
information on contemplated
revisions; or other data
Regardless of your efforts to consolidate
related information into one form to serve a
variety of purposes or functions, two or more
forms may still be required. Under this
condition, similar SSICs will probably be used
(though not required) for each form. Periodic
review or the revision or cancellation of any
one of these related forms may require similar
action with the others. A cross-reference to