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means of travel used, and enter the letter code
in Blocks numbered 1 through 4, then the
mode of travel, and enter the appropriate letter
code in Blocks 5 through 10. Likewise, the
reason for stop codes is found in Block 25b.
By looking at the unshaded and shaded
areas, you can see that each mode of travel
entry is adjacent to a DEP or departure line
entry, and each reason for stop entry is
adjacent to an ARR or arrival entry. Indicate
in the appropriate blocks on the left side of
Block 1 the dates and times the individual
departed and arrived at each stop during the
TEMADD assignment. The center of the
block indicates the command and geographical
location of the TEMADD stops. The means
of travel and the reason for stop codes are
entered in the appropriate unshaded column.
The requirements for the number of copies
to be prepared and the distribution of the
copies are subject to local practice. The
detachment (PSD)
servicing your command will have specific
directives for you to use in liquidating
TEMADD orders.
Leave authorizes an individual to be absent
from the place of duty. All members earn 30
days leave per year, and they are officially
encouraged to use the entire 30 days. All
personnel must be provided the opportunity to
take leave annually, with the opportunity for
at least one period of about 14 consecutive
Leave is earned at the rate of 2.5 days per
month for all personnel on active duty in the
Navy, except for the following periods:
l A c t i ve
consecutive days
l Active duty for training,
less than 30 consecutive days
l Lost time
with pay, of
l Excess leave or other periods in a
nonpay status
The individuals monthly leave and
earnings statement (LES) and the commanding
officers leave listing received from the Navy
Finance Center are used to determine how
many days of leave personnel have accrued.
Both of these documents give a total balance
of accrued leave as of the end of the
statements reporting period and how many
days have been used during the current fiscal
Since these reports are forwarded
monthly, you need to add only the number of
days earned in the current month to the total
number of days reported on the statement to
determine the up-to-date leave balance.
There are a number of
leave with which you should
terms related to
become familiar.
EARNED LEAVE: Leave accrued to a
member as of any given date. You can have
a negative number of days leave accrued
(called in the hole). A negative amount of
leave must not exceed the amount of leave
that would normally be earned during the
remaining period of obligated service. (See
Excess Leave.)
ADVANCE LEAVE: Leave granted to a
member before a member earns it. This gives
the result of a negative leave balance.
Advance leave should not be granted unless
the member has sufficient service obligation
to earn it back.
ANNUAL LEAVE: Leave granted within
a commands normal leave program; also
called ordinary leave.