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witness is attached to another command,
identify that command completely.
If a
witness is a civilian, give the complete
address, business and home, if available.
Finally, be sure to get the signature of the
person placing the accused on report.
Section B shows the acknowledgement of
the accused having been informed of the
nature of the accusation(s) against him or her
and his or her right not to answer any
questions relating to the offense. After the
accused is formally informed of the
accusations against him or her, this section
should be signed by the accused and the
person informing the accused of his or her
rights. If the accused refuses to sign this
section, that fact must be witnessed by the
accusations who will sign attesting to that
Section C shows any premast restraint of
the accused.
If the accused is not being
restricted, put the entry in the No Restrictions
block. On the other hand, if the accused is
placed on restriction or placed in confinement
pending investigation of the charges, you will
either mark the Pretrial Confinement block or
the Restricted block. If the Restricted block
is used, fill in the restricted to the limits of
portion. Be sure to get the signature and title
of the person who is imposing the restraint.
Section D shows information about the
accused. Get the accuseds service record
before filling out this section to verify all the
In the section Record of
Previous Offense(s), list all NJPs and
courts-martial during the accuseds current
After you complete the front of the
NAVPERS 1626/7, the case must touch two
more bases before it is ready for hearing by
the CO. The first step is to refer the report
chit to an officer or a senior enlisted person
for a preliminary inquiry that will later be
screened by the XO.
At small commands, refer the cases to
division officers for the preliminary inquiry.
At large commands, the discipline officer or
the legal officer is delegated the authority to
appoint the preliminary inquiry officer (PIO).
You need to fill in the name of the PIO at the
top of section E before referring it to the PIO
for action.
It is not the job of the PIO to develop a
case against the accused. Rather, the PIO is
to collect all available facts about the offense
itself and about the background of the
accused. You should have a standard form
that the PIO prepares for submission to the
The suspects rights acknowledgement/
statement contains a suggested format that
may be used by investigative personnel in
cases in which criminal suspects desire to
waive their rights on self-incrimination and to
make statements. This format is designed as
a guide and its use is not mandatory.
However, you should provide the PIO with
this form in case the accused desires to make
a statement.
In addition to filling out a PIOs report,
the PIO completes section E by doing the
l Inserting a short resume of the division
officers opinion of the accused
l Listing the names of the witnesses
whose presence at mast is necessary to dispose
of the case
l Recommending disposition of the case
l S u m m a r i z i n g t h e e v i d e n c e t h at
supports the recommendation