| |
Block 11: Enter a brief description of the item (name of
form or item).
Blocks 12-14: Leave Blank.
Block 15: Mailing address of the MDC is preprinted in
this block.
Block 16:
Enter the name of the COPE or MPO
Supervisor, followed by their grade and title.
Block 17: Signature of the COPE or MPO Supervisor
and date signed.
Blocks 18-20: Leave Blank.
Touch Tone Order Entry System (TTOES)
The purpose of TTOES is to speed up order
processing, provide immediate feedback on rejected
items, and to reduce keypunch errors. TTOES is an
excellent way to order new supply items or to replenish
an item that is in short supply.
All new users are required to register before using
the system. Once registered you will receive a 10-digit
access code (your area code and phone number). To
place an order you call the 1-800 number provided by
the USPS, and enter your 10-digit access code. Then
the MDC will verify that the access code corresponds
to your activity FEDSTRIP number.
Once in the
system, just follow the instructions provided (see
figure 12-9).
When placing an order, have the 13-digit National
Stock Number (NSN) from USPS Publication 223 or
247, or the quick pick number provided in the Postal
Bulletin ready for the item(s) you are ordering.
PS Formx DDD, Express Mail, Priority Mail
and Global Priority Mail Order Form
Use PS Formx DDD to order Express Mail,
Priority mail, and Global Priority mail supply items
ONLY (see figure 12-10). Only those items listed on
the form can be requisitioned. Prepare PS Formx DDD
in duplicate. Submit the original to the Express and
Priority Mail Supply Center, USPS, PO Box 95001,
Indianapolis, IN 46295-0001, and retain the duplicate
in the post office files. These products may also be
ordered via the internet at the USPS web site. When
placing your first order, you will fill out an application
on line, which will establish your account. After the
account is established you only have to enter your user
name and password when ordering Express Mail,
Priority mail, and Global Priority mail products.
MPOs must submit their requisitions on a monthly
basis after they have been reviewed by the MPO
supervisor or the COPE. Complete PS Formx DDD as
Block 1: QUANTITY. Check the appropriate block for
the amount needed. If the amount needed is not listed
under the Minimum column, then check Other and
write the amount.
Block 2: REPEAT ORDERS. Check Monthly for
each item ordered.
Block 3: SHIP THIS ORDER TO. Enter your MPO
mailing address.
Emergency requisitions may be submitted when
required by electrical message to MDC, Topeka, KS
TWX 9102-749-6556.
These requisitions must be
limited to ordering items for which there is an urgent
need. The emergency requisition message should be in
the same format as PS Form 7380, and it should include
the MPO FEDSTRIP code, finance number, and
statement of justification.
Before you submit an
emergency requisition, you should attempt to obtain
needed items from local sources.
The emergency requisition message should only
be used by shorebased overseas activities or mobile
units on deployment.
Shipboard post offices in
CONUS homeport should use TTOES when ordering
supplies instead of a message.
Q12-5. MPOs should maintain a minimum of how
many months level of USPS supply items?
What function does PS Form 1586 serve?
Who is responsible for maintaining PS Form
PS Form 7380 will be numbered in what
What two items are required to use TTOES for
ordering supplies?
Q12-10. What PS form is used to order Express and
Priority Mail supplies?
Q12-11. Emergency requisitions should be submitted
in what format?
Now turn to appendix 1 to check your answers.