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space-available mail (SAM) should be tendered last to
an air carrier after all other categories of mail have
been accepted.
Military mail tendered to U.S. commercial airlines
by MPOs will be manifested on PS Form 2942-A,
Military Mail AV-7 Delivery List. We will discuss this
form later in the chapter.
Foreign Air Carriers
When U.S. commercial air carriers or U.S. military
air carriers are not available, MPOs may request the
services of a foreign air carrier to transport military
mail. The initial request to use a foreign commercial
air carrier must be directed to MPSA, who coordinates
with USPS to obtain approval. Approval to use a
foreign air carrier will be limited to those routes where
U.S. commercial air service or U.S. military aircraft
are not available, or do not meet established delivery
service standards. If the request is approved by MPSA
and USPS, the affected military postal unit(s) will be
notified of the approved air carrier, flight dates, and
flight numbers before shipping any mail. The use of
foreign airlines will be discontinued or modified when
adequate U.S. commercial or military air service
becomes available.
Military postal units must use PS Form 2942-A,
Military Mail AV-7 Delivery List to manifest mail for
transport on approved foreign commercial air carriers.
When using a foreign air carrier postal clerks must:
Pouch all mail (no outside pieces). This means
that First-Class mail, in MM trays, must be
placed inside large U.S. Priority Mail pouches.
Other classes of mail must be placed inside an
appropriately colored and labeled mail pouch,
before dispatching.
Make arrangements with the foreign airline
representative to accept the mail.
Provide the foreign airline representative with
the estimated volume (pieces and kg-weight)
that will be dispatched, the flight number used,
the frequency of dispatch, and the end
destination where the mail will be off-loaded.
Ask the foreign airline rep to inform their
representatives at the end destination to expect
receipt of U.S military mail shipment(s), and that
the mail should be turned over only to U.S.
military postal personnel and not to the host
government. This does not apply for dispatches
from overseas locations to CONUS.
Ensure that military postal personnel at the end
destination (overseas locations only) are aware
of shipments by foreign airline and all
particulars so that MPS personnel can make
arrangements to meet the flight and receive the
mail as soon as possible. Never send outside
mail or registered mail via a foreign air carrier
unless authorized by the area mail control
Air Mobility Command (AMC) Aircraft
The U.S. Air Force operates military cargo and
cargo/passenger aircraft and contracts to private
airlines to carry passengers, cargo, and mail. Use of
AMC assets is limited to areas where U.S. commercial
air carriers do not provide service (such as hostile
areas), or the frequency of flights or space is
insufficient and cannot ensure delivery. AMC assets
may also be used whenever adequate surface
transportation is not available, when transit times for
surface mail is considered excessive, or when Space
Available Mail (SAM) cannot be moved by
commercial carriers in a timely manner and an
inordinate amount of delay would occur before the
mail would be transported.
Military postal units will use DD Form 1384,
Transportation Control and Movement Document,
better known as a TCMD, to manifest military mail
for shipment by AMC aircraft.
Military Sealift Command
Surface mail is transported by commercial ships as
arranged by the Military Sealift Command (MSC).
Sea-Van containers are used for dispatching mail
sealifted between the United States and overseas areas,
and between geographical locations overseas.
Sea-Van containers provide security and eliminate
unnecessary handling of the mail. Postal activities
using Sea-Van containers for dispatching mail should
properly secure the doors of the containers with a
numbered tin-band seal (USPS Item 0817A), and
heavy gauge wire.
Command-Owned Air Carriers
Once mail is received at overseas locations, airlift
transport is provided for deployed ships by the services
of an air squadron based in the area of operation. Mail
is transported by COD (carrier onboard delivery) to the
aircraft carrier for further transfer by helo or highline