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the blind are the same as for letters, letter packages, and printed matter. Preparation for Mailing Articles accepted, as matter for the blind, must be prepared in such a way that the contents are protected but inspection of the contents is not hindered.  Matter for the blind must not be sealed, even if registered. The word FREE must be placed in the upper - right corner, immediately  above  the  words  MATTER  FOR  THE BLIND, on surface mail only.  On airmail articles, the words, “MATTER FOR THE BLIND,” must be placed in the upper - right corner near the postage stamps or meter strip. Airmail articles should have PS Label l9-A or PS Label 19-B affixed or the words PAR AVION written on the front and back lower left side. If the mail being  accepted  is  from  an  officially  recognized institution  for  the  blind,  the  name  of  the  institution must  appear  in  the  return  address  for  the  following items: Discs, tapes, or wires bearing voice recordings Special paper intended solely for the use of the blind SMALL PACKETS Small packets offer a convenient and economical way for sending small quantities of merchandise at a rate  cheaper  than  parcel  post  rates.    Commercial samples and documents that do not have the character of current and personal correspondence may also be sent in small packets. The following items may also be sent  as  small  packets  whether  or  not  they  have  the character of correspondence: Phonograph records Sound tapes and cassettes Video tapes and cassettes Video disks Motion picture film Magnetic tapes Automatic data processing (ADP) cards QSL cards  (these  are  cards  sent  by  a  ham  radio operator  to  confirm  a  radio  contact)  may  be  sent  in small  packets,  if  they  bear  no  notations  having  the character of correspondence. Small Packet Restrictions Small packets may NOT contain the following: Written communications having the character of current personal correspondence Coins,  banknotes,  paper  money,  canceled  or uncanceled postage stamps, or values payable to the  bearer.    EXCEPTION:    Cancelled  or uncancelled  postage  stamps  are  mailable  to Canada in small packets. Manufactured  or  unmanufactured  platinum, gold, or silver Precious stones, jewelry, or other precious items. Enclosures Permitted in Small Packets A simple invoice and a slip showing the names and addresses  of  the  mailer  and  addressee  of  the  packet may be enclosed. Weight and Size Limits Weight limits for small packets are 4 pounds for most countries, 1 pound and 2 pounds to some.  Refer to the Individual Country Listings. Preparation for Mailing Small  packets  can  be  sealed  or  left  unsealed whether or not registered.  Small packets are subject to postal inspection and must be prepared in such a way that the contents are protected, but inspection of the contents is not hindered. All small packets must bear a customs  form  PS  Form  2976  or  PS  Form  2976-A (discussed later in this chapter). Endorsements The mailer must mark in bold capital letters on the address  side,  the  words  SMALL  PACKET.    Small packet can also be written in a language known in the country of address as follows: PETIT PAQUET (French) PACKCHEN (German) PEQUENO PAQUETE (Spanish) If  sent  airmail,  the  mailer  must  place  PS  Label 19-A or PS Label 19-B, or add the words PAR AVION (in blue) on the left side of the front and on the back of the item. 6-9

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