| |
Block 2: Leave blank.
Block 3: Enter your MPO finance number here. MPO
ZIP Codes starting with 09XXX and 34XXX are
assigned finance number 35-5825. MPO ZIP Codes
starting with 96XXX are assigned finance number
Block 4: Enter your MPO FEDSTRIP address code.
The FEDSTRIP address is a six-character code that
identifies each postal activity to which goods and
billings are sent.
Each Navy post office has a
FEDSTRIP address code unique to their activity.
Block 5: Enter the Julian Date. The Julian Date is a
4-digit number that represents a specific date. The first
digit represents the last number of the year; i.e., 1 of
2001. The next 3 numbers are a sequential number that
represents a specific day of the year starting with 001 for
1 January through 365 for 31 December or 366 for 31
December on leap year (see tables 12-2 and 12-3).
Table 12-2.
An example of a Julian date calendar