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allow such a practice.  If dutiable merchandise is sent in a letter or letter package, the mailer must comply with any special instructions for forms required. Refer to the “Customs Forms Required” and “Observations” sections in the Individual Country Listings.  Because PS  Form  2976  generally  indicates  that  dutiable merchandise is enclosed, it should not be placed on letter mail articles when the mailer knows the contents are not dutiable. Weight and Size Limits The weight limit for letters and letter packages to all countries is 4 pounds except for registered letters and letter packages to Canada where the weight limit is 66 pounds. The size limits for envelopes and packages not in the form of a roll are as follows: Minimum-length  and  height:    5  1/2  by  3  1/2 inches Minimum depth (thickness):  .007 inch Maximum length:  24 inches Maximum  combined  length,  width,  and thickness:  36 inches The size limits for articles that are in the form of a roll are as follows: Minimum length:  4 inches Minimum  length  plus  twice  the  diameter combined:  6 3/4 inches Maximum length:  36 inches Maximum  length  plus  twice  the  diameter combined:  42 inches See figure 6-3 on how to measure an article in roll form. An  additional  fee  (surcharge)  is  charged  on  all outgoing air and surface letters weighing 1 ounce or less and exceeding any of the following size limits: Maximum length:  11 1/2 inches Maximum height:  6 1/8 inches Maximum thickness:  1/4 inch Length divided by its height results in an aspect ratio that is less than 1.3 or more than 2.5 Preparation for Mailing Letters and letter packages may be sealed or left unsealed unless registered; then, they must be sealed. Marking and Endorsing Articles  other  than  ordinary  letters  should  be endorsed LETTER or LETTRE on the address side. In any case the article should be endorsed, if, because of the article’s size or manner of preparation, it may be mistaken for an article of another type.  If the article is to  be  sent  airmail,  the  mailer  should  mark  it  “PAR AVION” or affix PS Label 19-A, PAR AVION Airmail or PS Label 19-B, Air Mail Par Avion (see figure 6-4), on the front and back of the article. POSTAL CARDS AND POSTCARDS Postal  cards  and  postcards  consist  of  cards  sent without a wrapper or envelope.  Folded (double) cards 6-6 LENGTH +  DIAMETER + DIAMETER = MAXIMUM MEASUREMENT PLUS PLUS EQUALS  42" 36" LENGTH 3" PCf0603 3" Figure 6-3. Measuring an article in roll form. PCf0604 Figure 6-4. An example of PS Label 19-A and 19-B used on international mail.

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