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must  be  mailed  in  envelopes  at  the  letter  rate  of postage.  Reply cards are not accepted in international mail except as provided in the IMM, Chapter 1, Section 132.2. Preparation for Mailing The basic requirement for postcards accepted in international mail is the same as those for domestic mail. Postal cards and postcards should be constructed of paper strong enough to withstand normal handling in the postal system.   Highly glazed paper, or paper having  an  overall  design,  is  not  acceptable.    Only light-colored  cards  should  be  used.   Brilliant  colors may  not  be  used.   Privately  made  postcards,  except picture  post  cards,  must  have  the  word  “Postcard” printed on them. The  right  half  of  the  address  side  of  the  card  is reserved for the address of the addressee and postal notations or labels.  The mailer may use the back and the   lower   left   half   of   the   address   side   for correspondence or writing.  Postage must be placed on the address side in the upper right corner of the card. Undeliverable postcards are disposed of in the country of address unless they bear the name and address of the mailer. Attachments The  following  items  may  NOT  be  attached  to postcards: Cloth, embroidery, or spangles Samples of merchandise The following items may be glued on the left half of the address side of a card, or on the side opposite the address side, if they are made of paper or other thin material, and stick completely to the card: Clippings of any kind Illustrations or photographs Labels other than address labels Stamps of any kind, except that stamps that are likely to be confused with postage stamps may be placed only on the back Address labels or address tabs that may be glued to the address side of the card Weight and Size Limits Postcards  should  be  approximately  the  same quality and weight of a postal card.   Remember that postal  cards  are  those  cards  issued  and  sold  by  the USPS. The size limits for postcards are minimum-3 1/2 by 5 1/2 inches and maximum-4 1/4 by 6 inches. AEROGRAMMES Aerogrammes  are  air  letter  sheets  that  can  be folded into the form of an envelope and sealed. Tape or stickers cannot be used to seal aerogrammes.  Military post offices can order aerogrammes from the USPS for resale to postal customers.  Aerogrammes can be sent to  all  countries  and  can  be  sent  registered  mail  on payment  of  the  registry  fee.    Enclosures  are  not authorized  in  aerogrammes.    Aerogrammes  that  do contain enclosures are treated as regular airmail letters. Aerogrammes with enclosures on which postage has not been paid at airmail letter rates must be returned to the sender for additional postage or, if there is no return address,  forwarded  to  the  international  exchange office (IEO) marked, “postage due.” PRINTED MATTER For postal purposes, printed matter is defined as anything that has been reproduced on paper in several identical copies by any process other than handwriting or typewriting. For  mailing  purposes,  printed  matter  is  divided into three types (1) regular printed matter, (2) books and sheet music, and (3) publisher’s periodicals. Regular Printed Matter Regular printed matter includes all printed matter other  than  books,  sheet  music,  and  publisher’s periodicals. Books and Sheet Music Printed matter of this type includes books that have 8 or more printed pages.   The printed matter should consist  wholly  of  reading  matter  or  scholarly bibliography, or reading matter with incidental blank spaces  for  notations.    It  must  not  contain  any advertising   matter,   other   than   incidental announcements of books, in the form of book pages. 6-7

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