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The educational services officer (ESO) should be
familiar with the different types of manuals and
correspondence courses available to both officer and
enlisted personnel. He or she should know how they
are administered and who administers them.
In 1987 the Chief of Naval Education and Training
(CNET) changed the terminology used to identify
nonresident career courses (NRCCs) and rate training
manuals (RTMs) to nonresident training courses
(NRTCs) and training manuals (TRAMANs).
The ESO should understand the role NRTCs and
TRAMANs play in the advancement process and in the
training of enlisted and officer personnel. He or she
should also be familiar with the proper procedures for
obtaining and grading these courses. The basic
reference for NRTCs and TRAMANs is the Catalog of
Nonresident Training Courses, NAVEDTRA 12061.
The latest copy of this reference may be found at
In this chapter we will be discussing the following
T h e p u r p o s e o f t r a i n i n g m a n u a l s a nd
nonresident training courses
The purpose of distribution statements
Procedures for ordering training materials
Procedures for administering courses
Procedures for completing answer sheets
Procedures for ordering and controlling answer
Procedures for grading courses
The purpose and use of occupational standards
and naval standards
Publications used to prepare for advancement
Learning Objectives: Identify the procedure on how to
order naval correspondence courses and training
manuals and the types of courses offered; determine
how to administer and grade correspondence.
TRAMANs and their associated NRTCs are
designed to provide self-study instruction to naval
personnel in various occupational and specialty areas
(ratings and systems). The TRAMANs and NRTCs
help personnel gain the minimum knowledges and
skills required by officer subspecialties or enlisted
occupational standards.
Enlisted candidates for advancement may satisfy
mandatory courses by completing the NRTC and
achieving a passing grade of 3.2 or above on each
assignment. An NRTC, or correspondence course, is
completed through self-study. It may include assigned
exercises, lessons, or examinations designed to help
the student acquire the knowledge or skill described in
the associated text. NRTCs are developed from
information extracted from Navy TRAMANs,
directives, or commercially procured texts.
Nonresident training courses help naval officers
improve their professional qualifications and broaden
their general knowledge of the naval sciences.
Some NRTCs are designed for officer and enlisted
personnel. They help officer and enlisted personnel
improve or broaden their knowledge in a broad range
of subjects. For example, the course Equal
Opportunity in the Navy applies equally to both officer
and enlisted personnel. Several courses are
recommended for personnel applying for the limited
duty officer (LDO) and chief warrant officer (CWO)
commissioning programs. The completion of
recommended courses increases an applicants
chances for a commission.
What is the minimum passing grade for each
assignment of an NRTC?
The Naval Education and Training Professional
Development and Technology Center (NETPDTC),
formerly NETPMSA, assigns distribution statements
to all TRAMANs and NRTCs. ESOs should be
familiar with the various distribution statements. They