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onward dispatch of mail. This is in addition to the
usual mail-handling and postal finance functions.
A fleet mail center (FMC) receives, distributes,
consolidates, transfers, and dispatches military mail
for transportation to, from, and within overseas areas,
commands, and ships.
In addition to mail-handling and routing services,
FMCs provide port visit instructions, postal training,
and inspection services for fleet units and other post
offices locally served as required by higher authority.
The lack of an official designation as an FMC does
not prevent shore-based or fleet mobile post offices
from performing FMC functions when warranted.
However, all shore-based Navy post offices must
provide assistance to fleet units visiting or operating in
geographic areas for which they are responsible.
An FMC is under the military command of the
commanding officer of the activity at which it is
located. FMCs and MPOs perform functions assigned
by the respective Fleet Commander in Chiefs
(FLTCINCs). FMCs or Navy post offices (NPOs)
designated as mail control activities (MCAs) must also
assume those responsibilities as outlined in the
Department of Defense Postal Manual, DOD
4525.6-M, Volume I, chapter 10.
The FMCs are administered by an officer-
in-charge (OIC). This officer maintains liaison with
foreign officials concerned with movement of mail,
with representatives of commercial transportation
carriers, and with local U.S. military postal
representatives. The officer-in-charge also assists the
FLTCINC in the administration and operation of the
MPS. A Senior or Master Chief Postal Clerk is usually
assigned and may fill the officer-in-charge billet. The
leading chief is directly in charge of the sections that
compose the FMC.
The FMCs are usually divided into several sections
that include the following:
Mail-handling section
Registry section
Postal Supply
Administrative section
Claims & Inquiries
Finance services section
Aerial mail terminals (AMTs) are overseas
military mail facilities responsible for the receipt,
distribution, transfer, and dispatch of military mail by
air between overseas areas or to or from the United
Q1-6. The JMPAs act as the single point of contact
for the MPSA with what activity?
The lack of an official designation as a fleet
mail center does not prevent a shore-based
post office overseas from performing FMC
functions when warranted. (True/False)
Now turn to appendix 1 to check your answers.
Learning Objective: Reognize the role of
the Navy postal clerk; identify the
qualifications and positions of MPS
The mission and functions of the Military Postal
Service would be impossible to achieve without
qualified postal personnel.
Navy postal personnel
responsibilities are many and varied. You will find
these responsibilities outlined in the Department of
Defense and Department of the Navy regulations and
instructions. Also, USPS publications list additional
responsibilities, guidelines, and operating procedures.
In addition to postal duties, postal personnel are
charged with military duties and responsibilities. All
too often we forget that we are Sailors first. This does
not mean that our professional duties should take a
backseat to our military duties; however, they should
be performed together in a professional manner. Some
of the general responsibilities and titles of postal
personnel you will be closely working with are listed in
the following paragraphs.
Postal Clerks operate post offices aboard Navy
ships, and at overseas naval activities. The Navy also