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types of tender that Navy commissaries are
authorized to accept from patrons are as follows:
. Cash
. Personal checks
. Vendors coupons
l Food stamps
. Travelers checks
l Money orders
. Refund vouchers
If there are no available check-cashing
facilities, Navy commissaries may accept (and
cash) United States government pay and allotment
checks from properly identified patrons. This
service can be provided as long as the service does
not adversely affect staffing or operations in the
commissary. The officer in charge or a designated
assistant must approve any U.S. government
payroll or allotment check before the commissary
can accept the check for payment or cash.
According to prescribed limits, change funds in
the commissary should be increased whenever
approved U.S. government payroll and allotment
checks are cashed. In accepting U.S. government
checks, each commissary store must follow the
prescribed regulations. These regulations are con-
tained in NAVRESSOINST 4065.39.
As a front end supervisor, you must make cer-
tain that the check-out phase of your store is
operated according to standard regulations and
procedures. You must also make certain that your
patrons are not forced to spend too much time
waiting in line. With a little work and planning,
you can comply with all regulations and still pro-
vide an efficient check-out operation.
Your check-out staff will have many respon-
sibilities. Check-out personnel must make certain
that all patron purchases are accurately recorded
in terms of price and department. Check-out
personnel are also responsible for accepting
money and making change. As in any retail opera-
tion, cash and other forms of tender must be
adequately safeguarded. All of these tasks must
be completed in a way that will minimize patrons
waiting time.
In the check-out phase of your commissary,
you must achieve good standards of service. You
should staff and operate the check-out area so that
no more than four persons are forced to wait in
a check-out line. To achieve this standard, you
will have to open additional registers for patrons
to take care of heavy traffic in the check-out area.
At times when you have fewer customers, you can
close the extra registers and distribute the waiting
patrons to the other lines. If customers are
standing in a line that you are planning to close,
identify the last customer to be served and politely
route the other customers to the other lines.
During sales hours, you should plan to have
supervisory personnel available to assist patrons
at check-out areas. Make certain that your check-
out lines are clearly numbered. Lighted lampposts
with numbers are an effective means of clearly
marking your check-out lines. If your store size
permits, you can use a single line from which you
can direct patrons to the next available register.
A prime irritant among patrons is excessive
waiting lines at the check-out area. Commissary
managers must constantly monitor the number of
patrons awaiting check-out and, when needed,
initiate immediate actions to supplement the
number of check-outs in operation. Such actions
will include the assignment to check-outs of those
register operators who are performing other store-
related tasks. A labor pool of intermittent
employees who are on call may also be used
to alleviate unforeseen patronage surges or
temporary absences of regular employees.
Moreover, since all employees working in other
functional areas of the store (with the exception
of the commissary officer, sales audit clerk, and
the cash collection agent) will be trained in the
operation of a cash register, they can be used in
this capacity during emergency situations.
As a front end supervisor, you or an assistant
must remain in the check-out area to assist
customers during sales hours when customer
traffic is heaviest. Head of the line privileges, use
of express lanes, and other practices are covered
in current NAVRESSO instructions. It is your job
as a supervisor to consult these instructions and
make certain that the correct procedures are
carried out.
In a multicheck-out store when all check-outs
are not being used, make certain your open check-
outs reflect an even distribution across the check-
out area. In this way, you can avoid patron
congestion in one area of the front end. Remind
your register operators that they are not permitted
to keep personal belongings in the check-out