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remember that the only way to be sure is with the
use of double checks. A good policy for you to
follow is to random check as many areas as you
possibly can. At one time or another, almost every
Ships Serviceman has had to do some serious
recounting on board ship. Double counting has
almost eliminated the problems of bad counts.
The inventories taken by contracted personnel
should be completed in the same way as they
would be with Navy commissary personnel.
Physical inventories are usually taken on a
semiannual basis at the end of the second
and fourth quarters of the accounting period.
Special inventories are usually taken only by
the direction of NAVRESSO. Cyclical inventories
are taken on established cycles. Cyclical inven-
tories include reorder, standard price changes, and
perpetual inventories. Of course, a perpetual
inventory is also a cyclical inventory which is an
ongoing operation used for stock control and the
ordering of resale merchandise. The adjusted
book inventory is another inventory used by com-
missaries and distribution centers when a physical
inventory at the close of the accounting period
is not needed. The physical inventory figure that
is used on the Cost of Sales worksheet is an
adjusted inventory figure. In summary, an inven-
tory in a Navy commissary can be any one of the
following types:
. Physical inventory (sometimes performed
by contract services)
. Adjusted book inventory (performed by
commissary personnel)
. Cyclical inventory (which includes several
types of inventories, such as price changes,
reorder, etc.)
You must keep in mind that procedures may
vary somewhat from one commissary to another,
depending upon availability of personnel and
services. You must read and understand your
commissary instructions and stay abreast of them.
As a commissary supervisor, you must keep your
NAVRESSO instructions current so you can per-
form at the expected level.
The information you have read up to this
point in the chapter has addressed the various
ways in which the commissary store acquires the
items to be placed in the store for resale. In the
next section of this chapter, you will read about
some of the methods and procedures the senior
Ships Serviceman, as a supervisor, will need to
follow to sell the merchandise through the front
The front end is the part of the store that is
visible to the patrons. It is also the part of the
store that will be used by the patrons. For this
reason, the way in which the front end is super-
vised will have the greatest effect on the success
of the overall operation of the commissary.
The sales floor area must be maintained in a
clean and orderly condition at all times. The stock
and equipment should be arranged in a manner
that will permit convenient and efficient shopping
for the patron. If the stock is arranged by general
category, the patron can usually complete his or
her shopping more successfully.
The amount of damaged or deteriorated
merchandise can be kept to a minimum as long
as prescribed stock rotation and inspections are
followed. Damaged merchandise that is still fit
for sale should be removed immediately to a
special area where it can be offered for sale at a
reduced price. Items that have spoiled should be
removed immediately from the sales floor.
For the convenience of the patrons, shelf
stocking should not normally be performed dur-
ing the business day except when depleted stocks
absolutely must be replenished. If it becomes
necessary for shelves to be stocked during
shopping hours, you, as a supervisor, should
make certain that the aisles are kept free from
cartons, boxes, and materials-handling equipment
as much as possible. The meat area (S-3) and the
produce area (S-4) are extremely important. As
a supervisor, you must give special attention to
these areas.
Meat Sales Department (S-3)
Bulk meat and packaged meats for the meat
department (S-3) are received daily through
several types of procurement procedures. Usually
these products are ordered and received on T-53s.
When bulk beef, pork, and lamb are received, an
Army veterinarian inspects it for quality and
temperature. It is important that you maintain
close liaison with the veterinarian. The
veterinarian is there to help your operation and
not to hinder it. When you and the veterinarian