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mailing date for the late returns. A copy of the
letter must be forwarded to the Naval Supply
Systems Command (Deputy Commander, Pro-
gramming and Financial Management, Comp-
troller), to the appropriate FAADC, and to
SCHOOL. To help provide current training aids
for officer students preparing for shipboard
duty, you should mail one copy of the Ships Store
Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Statement
(NAVCOMPT 153) for the accounting period
ending 30 September to the following address:
Navy Supply Corps School
Code 45
Athens, GA 30606
Disposition of Retained Returns
All ships store and clothing retained returns
should be retained on board for a period of 2
years. After 2 years, the retained returns can be
destroyed according to guidelines in Disposal of
Navy and Marine Corps Records.
When the ships store officer is relieved at the
end of the accounting period, the ships store
officer who is being relieved and the relieving
ships store officer will both conduct a complete
inventory. Ships store returns that are approved
by both ships store officers will then be prepared,
submitted, and retained as described earlier.
When the ships store officer is relieved
sometime within an accounting period and the
merging of returns is not possible, the ships store
officer who is being relieved must make certain
that all funds have been collected and deposited
for the period of accountability. Next, a physical
inventory is taken and all the records are balanced
but not closed. When satisfied that financial
accountability has been established, the relieving
officer will receipt for the vouchers that were pro-
cessed by the relieved officer but were not received
until after the end of the last accounting period.
The relieving officer will then submit a return at
the end of the normal accounting period.
If the relieving officer is not satisfied with the
records, the commanding officer can direct the
relieved officer to close the accounts and render
the ships store returns for the relieved officers
period of accountability only. In these ways, the
retained records and returns serve to establish and
transfer accountability in the ships store.
Just as the ships store records and returns are
used in the establishing and transferring of
accountability from one person or activity to
another, the returns also serve as a valuable
management tool for the improvement of ships
store operations. Once you have closed out the
records and submitted the returns, it is time to
sit back and take a careful look at your ships
store operation. How effective has your ships
store been this accounting period in carrying out
its goals? You can find answers for certain ques-
tions from the data you have entered in your
ships store returns. Some guidelines you can use
for analyzing your ships store returns from a
management point of view are presented in this
As a senior Ships Serviceman, you will be ex-
pected to assist the ships store officer in analyz-
ing the completed NAVCOMPT 153. Some of the
following factors should be taken into considera-
tion. Each of these factors is an important aspect
of your ships store operation.
Sales-Stock Ratio
As described in chapter 4, your sales-stock
ratio is computed so that you can determine the
efficiency of your ships store in maintaining an
optimum stock level over a given period of time.
A 1.33 to 1 ratio of sales at cost price to be-
ginning inventory, less standard clothing items,
is the requirement for a 4-month accounting
period. You obtain your stock turn figure by
dividing your cumulative of expenditures for the
number of months covered by the beginning
inventory. You must take the opening inventory
figure from the NAVCOMPT 153. The
cumulative expenditures are contained in lines
B19, B21, B23, B24, B26, and B27 on your NAV-
COMPT 153. If you find that your stock turn
ratio is significantly less than 1.33, you should
determine the cause and take the steps to improve
your ratio. Start with a complete check of your
stock on hand.
You have just completed and closed out your
records so you now have an itemized inventory