| |
figure 4-7). At the time of purchase, the purchase
order log should contain the date of the order,
the serial number, the source, and the approxi-
mate dollar value, as shown in figure 4-7. The logs
are helpful only as long as postings are made
promptly and accurately. The Amount column
will be extremely helpful to you when you need
to determine the value of outstanding orders for
posting to the inventory control record. Note the
difference between the two date columns in figure
4-6 and 4-7. The first date represents the date of
the order; that is, the date the order was placed
or made. The date received column represents the
date the stock was actually received by your ship.
The logs will also assist you in checking out-
standing and completed orders. Consult your
NAVSUP P-487 for additional examples of these
important logs.
As a senior Ship’s Serviceman, you will be in-
volved in the procurement of equipment and
operating supplies. Each of these areas is outlined
in your Ship’s Serviceman 3 & 2. You can also
find detailed instructions for procurement of
ship’s store equipment and supplies in the NAV-
SUP P-487. The following sections are presented
only as an overview.
The equipment that may be required aboard
ship for the resale and service activities is classified
according to value as either major or minor equip-
ment. Major equipment has a value greater than
$100. One group of major equipment includes all
major laundry equipment, barber chairs, cash
registers, and similar items. These are allowance
list items. They are controlled by the Naval Sea
Systems Command (NAVSEA) and funded by the
ship’s OPTAR. Ship’s store profits should not be
used for these items. The requisitions for this type
of equipment or the letter requests stating that an
item of this type be added to the allowance list
should be forwarded to NAVSEA via the type
commander, NAVRESSO, and NAVSUP.
The second group of major equipment in-
cludes soft ice cream machines, vending machines,
popcorn machines, amusement machines, and
related items such as coin changers and coin
counting devices. When you are ordering a new
machine of the second group of major equipment,
you must take certain preliminary steps, First, you
are authorized to order only machines of the types
specified by your fleet commander. Second, you
must request the authority from NAVSEA for the
initial installation or replacement of a machine
with a machine of a greater weight. After you
receive approval from NAVSEA, you must send
a letter requesting procurement to NAVRESSO.
You must make certain the letter contains the
detailed information specified in NAVSUP P-487.
You should send directly to NAVRESSO any re-
quests you might have for replacement machines
that weigh the same or less than the original
The procurement of machines in the second
group of major equipment is funded by Ship’s
Store Profits, Navy (17X8723). If profits are con-
sidered to be insufficient, you can obtain a “no
interest” loan from NAVRESSO to offset the
costs of the machine. Normally, you will be re-
quired to make loan repayments within three or
five accounting periods, depending upon the size
of your ship.
As a member of the supply department, you
will be required to stand supply department
watches. To perform this duty properly, you must
understand certain functions of supply that go
beyond your rating and you must be capable of
performing these functions. As the duty supply
representative, you may be called upon in
emergencies to perform a variety of jobs from the
issuing of a repair part to the preparing of a re-
quisition. In this section, the various methods and
sources of procurement are briefly discussed. You
should consult your NAVSUP P-485 (Afloat
Supply Procedures) and the current editions of
Storekeeper 3 & 2 and Storekeeper 1 & C for
detailed information.
Procurement Methods
There are three basic methods by which a ship
may procure the supplies and services that it
By submission of a requisition to an ashore
supply activity
By submission of a requisition to another
By purchase from a commercial contractor