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Page Title: Duties and Responsibilities of Agent Cashier
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deputy. A copy of the letter is forwarded to DFAS-CL. If another individual is appointed to succeed the deputy, a copy of the formal letter of appointment and specimen signatures for the new deputy are forwarded with the copy of the revocation letter of the outgoing deputy. AGENT CASHIER As  done  for  deputy  DOs,  the  current  DO  appoints individual   agent   cashiers   in   writing.   Unlike   the position  of  deputy,  however,  the  position  of  agent cashier is both established and approved locally by the activity’s  CO. Appointment  Procedures The DO appoints an agent cashier, who acts under a formal letter of appointment by that DO. LETTER OF APPOINTMENT.—  The letter of appointment is issued in an original and two copies and must contain the following information: Name and rank or grade of the cashier Office in which the duties are to be performed Description  of  the  position’s  specific  duties  and limitations Effective date of the appointment An   acknowledgement   of   acceptance   of   the appointment,  and  the  statement  “I  agree  to  hold myself  accountable  to  the  United  States  for  all public finds received.” A statement that the individual appointed as agent  cashier  has  been  counseled  as  to  the pecuniary  liability  of  the  position  and  given written  operating  instructions The agent cashier acknowledges acceptance of the position by signing the original and all copies of the letter  of  appointment. DISTRIBUTION   PROCESS.—   The  agent cashier keeps the original letter of appointment. A copy is forwarded to the office where the duties are to be performed. The final copy is returned to the appointing DO. Duties  and  Responsibilities  of  Agent  Cashier Generally, an agent cashier’s duties are similar to those of a bank teller. They usually consist of making cash   payments   and   collections,   performing check-cashing  services,  and  preparing  financial documents.  An  agent  cashier  may  also  be  authorized  to sign  his  or  her  own  official  documents  verifying completion  of  transactions  that  were  specifically authorized  by  the  DO. Agent cashiers are  not authorized to sign U.S. Treasury checks or depositary checks, Statements of Accountability,  or  other  documents  relating  to  the disbursing   officer’s   accountability.   With   these exceptions,  an  agent  cashier  may  be  authorized  to perform any duty relating to public funds in the name of and for the account of the current DO. Duration of Appointment Agent  cashier  appointments  are  effective  only while the appointing DO continues to serve as DO of that  activity.  The  appointment  of  an  agent  cashier  may be revoked by the DO at any time. All revocations must be   in   writing   and   include   the   effective   date   of revocation. COLLECTION  AGENT A collection agent is an individual who has been designated  to  perform  duties  relating  to  the  collection of  official  funds.  That  includes  the  collection  of  funds held as safekeeping deposits at a point other than the disbursing  office. Appointment  Procedures  and  Restrictions The  officer  responsible  for  the  collection  of  the designated  official  finds  appoints  the  collection  agent in writing. The appointed collection agent can be an officer, an enlisted member, or a civilian employee. Disbursing  personnel,  however,  are  not eligible for appointments  as  collection  agents.  This  is  because individuals  appointed  as  collection  agents  are  not authorized   to   serve   concurrently   in   any   other accountable position and shall not be charged with the handling or custody of any other funds. The officer who appoints a collection agent will prescribe that agent’s duties and will act as the agent’s general  supervisor.    Some of the functions to which collection agents may be appointed will depend on the status  of  the  appointing  officer. CO OR OIC.— A CO or OIC ashore may approve and establish the position of collection agent to take care of responsibilities involved with the collection of the following  funds: 1-5

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