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Responsibilities For  Navy-sponsored  passenger  transportation, BUPERS  is  responsible  for  carrying  out  the  following goals: Managing   and   controlling   the   passenger transportation  program Providing  technical  direction,  guidance,  and assistance to elements of the Navy wide passenger transportation  organization Developing  and  issuing  Navy  passenger transportation  directives  and  procedures Maintaining liaison with other military services, Department   of   Defense   (DOD)   single   manager agencies  for  transportation,  and  other  government agencies  and  industry  on  matters  relating  to  the movement  of  Navy-sponsored  passengers  and representing the Navy on joint service working groups and  committees  concerning  passenger  transportation Providing   advice   and   assistance   to   the Pay/Personnel Administrative Support System (PASS) program manager on all matters concerning passenger transportation Clarifying  orders,  determining  and  providing facts affecting entitlement to travel allowances, and resolving controversial matters relating to the use and procurement  of  transportation  facilities Authorizing   or   approving   travel   and transportation  of  Navy  personnel  and  their  dependents that, under JFTR, Volume 1, requires the approval or authorization of the Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) or  a  designated  representative Delegation of Authority Let’s take a brief look at the role BUPERS plays in the  delegation  of  authority  for  travel  approval.  Federal statutes provide authority for SECNAV to authorize and approve travel under the JFTR. This authority has been delegated  to  BUPERS  as  the  designated  representative for these matters. The authority to issue temporary duty orders  has  been  further  delegated  to  local  commanding officers (COs). As  a  management  practice,  delegation  of  the authority to authorize travel is simply a distribution of workloads.   This   delegation,   however,   is   never all-inclusive.  Since  each  set  of  orders  is  budget accountable, it is the job of the DKs, as travel experts, to examine each set of orders for legal propriety. COMPTROLLER OF THE NAVY The  Comptroller  of  the  Navy  takes  care  of  the financial  side  of  the  mission.  In  cases  where  Navy appropriations are involved, the Comptroller of the Navy interprets the laws and regulations relating to travel reimbursement based on the evaluation of all pertinent facts. The Comptroller of the Navy has delegated the responsibility of maintaining technical control over related accounting and disbursing procedures to the Defense   Finance   and   Accounting   Service (DFAS)—Washington Center. As a senior DK, you will deal with the DFASs in many aspects of your work. PER DIEM, TRAVEL AND TRANSPORTATION   ALLOWANCE COMMITTEE The   Per   Diem,   Travel,   and   Transportation Allowance  Committee  (PDTTAC)  is  responsible  for making  sure  that  uniform  travel  regulations  are  issued according to the Career Compensation Act, as amended under the guidance of the charter of the committee. The PDTTAC is chartered under DOD with membership at the  Deputy  Assistant  Secretary  level  in  DOD.  The committee also includes the Director of the National Oceanographic   and   Atmospheric   Administration Corps, the Commandant of the Coast Guard, and the Surgeon  General  of  the  Public  Health  Service. Whenever the PDTTAC is in doubt regarding the legal wording of regulations or as to their consistency with prior  rulings  or  the  intent  of  Congress  in  passing  the entitlement,  the  matter  is  referred  to  the  General Counsel, DOD, for resolution and appropriate action. Policy changes that increase or decrease allowances for substantial numbers of personnel, involve large additional  expenditures  of  funds,  or  create  new  basic entitlements  will  be  referred  to  the  Office  of  the Secretary  of  Defense  for  approval  before  issuance  by the   committee. Any  policy  matter  in  which disagreement exists among the committee members will be referred to the same office for resolution. Two  of  the  PDTTAC  functions  will  directly  affect your  responsibilities  as  a  senior  DK:  (1)  setting  forth new or revised per diem and transportation regulations and  (2)  establishing  the  rates  for  overseas  station allowances. You  will  read  about  these  station allowances in chapter 8 of this training manual. For 3-2

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