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Check-Out Procedures for References
One person should be delegated the authority for
control and maintenance of directives and
publications. That person should set up a check-out
system for maintenance control of all reference
materials at all times.
Another method of control is to assign
maintenance of specific publications and directives to
the personnel who use them routinely. These people
then make changes to the publications and directives,
keep them current, and properly store them. If this
method is used, the personnel responsible for
maintaining the publications should maintain the
master list.
Department of the Navy Directives
Issuance System, SECNAVINST 5215.1, contains
guidelines for maintaining an effective directive
Q6. The ESOs Command Professional Library
should contain what materials?
Q7. When an ESO fails to maintain proper control
over official publications and directives, in what
kind of condition will they become?
Q8. What is considered a good system of control for
the ESO and authorized personnel to locate
publications when needed?
Q9. What instruction contains guidelines for
maintaining an effective directive system?
Learning Objectives: Describe the purpose of the
LMRC and list some of the services provided.
The Library Multimedia Resource Center
(LMRC) is a platform for delivering training and
educational programs to shipboard personnel.
Established, funded, and administered by the Navy
General Library Program (NGLP), these
computer-based centers provide a variety of resources
for the personal growth, professional development,
educational support, skill development, and
recreational enjoyment of fleet Sailors.
LMRCs are Morale, Welfare and Recreation
(MWR) components that help personnel achieve their
maximum personal and professional potential. The
variety, size, and content of LMRC collections and
services vary among ships. Normally, resources
include commercial and Navy produced CD-ROM
products, software, audio and video products, and print
material to include books and periodicals. LMRCs
provide Sailors with one-stop shopping for materials
and services which achieve the following:
Support professional development,
Provide personal advancement materials,
opportunities and lifelong learning experiences,
Improve job skills and readiness, and
Promote the productive use and enjoyment of
leisure time.
Aboard larger ships, the LMRC is located in the
ships library and is managed by the library officer. On
smaller commands, they may be located in the training
rooms, central office complex, or available lounge
areas and are managed by an assigned LMRC officer.
Administration of the center should include
coordination with the engineer officer, ESO, training
officer, and ADP personnel.
Basic LMRC equipment includes state-of-the-art
multimedia computers, Windows NT servers,
CD-ROM towers, laser and color printers, scanners,
player/recorders, compact disc players, and projectors.
Initially provided by NGLP, equipment becomes
ships property and is maintained by the ship. Regular
upgrade of equipment and resources are planned by
NGLP, but the ships operating target (OPTAR) and
MWR can be used to augment.
Anyone desiring to set up an LMRC can get
detailed information by writing to the following
Commanding Officer
Naval Education and Training Professional
Development and
Technology Center (NETPDTC) N73
6490 Saufley Field Road
Pensacola, FL 32509-5239
Q10. The library multimedia resource center (LMRC)
is established, funded, and administered by
Q11. Aboard larger ships, the LMRC is located where
and managed by whom?