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brackets appears in the middle of a sentence, leave one space before the opening bracket and one space after the closing bracket. Example: Q. What did you see? A. About this far [gesturing] from the hammer, on the upper side of. . . Place the period and the comma inside the closing quotation   marks   (”)   except   in   congressional   and certain other classes of work showing amendments, and  in  court  work  with  quoted  language.  Punctuation marks are printed after the quotation marks when not a  part  of  the  quoted  matter,  Examples:  Insert  the words  “growth”,  “production”,  and  “manufacture”. This court finds you Guilty, except the word “steal”, substituting therefor . . . Place the semicolon (;) and the colon (:) outside the closing quotation marks. The question mark and the  exclamation  mark  must  be  placed  outside  the closing quotation marks if the marks punctuate the entire   sentence. Place   them   inside   the   closing quotation marks if they punctuate the quoted material only.  Examples:  As  I  was  saying,  “Seeing  is believing.”    Did  you  see  the  sign,  “Off  Limits”?  He asked  me,  “What  is  the  punishment  for  shooting  a man with a pistol’?”   All he said was, “What an awful mess!” Use   the   single   quotation   mark   (’)   when   a quotation is enclosed within a quotation. Example: He answered,   “I  am  not  willing  positively  to  say, ‘Seaman Jones is the guilty one.” The  rules  on  end  spacing  are  as  follows:  Two spaces must follow all end punctuation marks, and two spaces must follow the colon. When writing whole numbers, the numbers one through nine must be spelled out except when used in conjunction  with  other  numbers  in  a  series  (example, 1,  2,  12,  25,  and 50); as a measurement (example, 1 inch); time (example, 3 p.m.); decimals (example, 1.25); age (example, 6 years old); or as a percentage (example, 2%). At  the  beginning  of  a  sentence,  numbers  must be spelled out (example, Five years ago), except in questions   and   answers   (Q.   and   A.)   when   time, money,  percentage, serial numbers, and so on, are 3-8 concerned.  In  such  cases  use  the  numerals.  Show dates as they are spoken in court (example, 1 June 1993  or  1st  of  June  1993).  Always  use  numerals where  monetary  values  are  concerned  and  the money  is  a  specific  amount. If  the  amount  is referred  to  in  a  general  way,  use  words  instead  of figures.  Examples:  Q.  How  much  money  was  in the  bag?  A.  About  a  million  dollars.  Q.  Exactly how   much?   A.   $1,055,000.00. When   writing   fractions   and   whole   numbers, transcribe the fraction by separating the figures with a slant  (/);  examples:    1/4, 1/2, 1/3, 5/8, 7/8, and 3 3/4. Do not use the fractions that appear on the keyboard. The  reason  for  this  is  your  fractions  will  be  typed consistently  throughout  the  record,  since  most keyboards  have  only  the  1/4  and  1/2  fractions.  An exception  to  this  rule  would  be  when  the  military judge  or  president  of  the  court  gives  instructions, closes to vote on the findings and sentence, and states “three-fourths  (or  two-thirds)  of  the  members  present at the time the vote was taken concurring . . .” Type these  fractions  using  words. IDENTIFICATION  OF  SPEAKERS Identify   the   side   or   person   conducting   an examination by using one of the following standard stock  entries  (SSEs): Questions  by  the  prosection: Questions  by  the  defense: Questions by the military judge: Questions by the president: Questions  by  a  court  member  (LT  DOE): Identify  individual  questions  posed  by  the questioner by a Q. Identify answers by the witness in response to questions posed by a questioner having control of the stage of examination by an A. Identify answers by the witness in response to questions asked by  anyone  else  by  WITNESS. Use these prefixes to identify speakers:

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