| |
Nonscope claimsContinued
measure of damages, 12-25
processing procedures, 12-25
scope of liability, 12-25
statute of limitations, 12-25
Notification procedure, 9-15
Oaths, 3-2
Office manager, 14-2
Office organization and management, 14-1
assigning personnel, 14-2
civilian personnel management, 14-4
correspondence and directives, 14-3
training, 14-3
Parties, 13-15
Performance appraisals, 14-4
Physical disability, 9-8
Position descriptions, 14-4
Posttrial duties, 8-1
Confinement Order, NAVPERS 1640/4, 8-1
deferment of confinement, 8-2
extra duty, 8-4
report of results of trial, 8-1
restriction, 8-4
Preferral of charges, 7-3
Preinterrogation warnings, 4-1
Article 31, UCMJ, 4-1,5-9
cleansing warnings, 4-3
consequences of violating the rights against
self-incrimination, 4-7
factors affecting voluntariness, 4-6
Fifth Amendment rights, 4-1
how to give the warnings, 4-7
right to counsel, 4-5
Preinterrogation warningsContinued
right to terminate the interrogation, 4-6
Pretrial agreements, 6-12
Pretrial paper work, 6-1
court-martial members question form, 6-29
findings worksheet, 3-3, 6-26
flyers, 6-26
seating chart, 6-29
sentence worksheet, 6-28
Pretrial restraint, 6-29
arrest, 6-31
conditions on liberty, 6-31
confinement, 6-33
restriction, 6-31
sample letter to initial review officer, 6-36
Preventive law program, 11-7
Primary sources, 2-1
Privacy Act, 1-13
collection of information, 1-15
disclosure to others, 1-14
procedures, 1-14
responsibilities, 1-14
Proceedings in revision, 3-20
Processing goals, 9-23
Promulgating orders, 8-11
Publications, 1-3
maintenance of, 1-5
ordering of, 1-6
use of, 1-4
Reconciliation, 12-38
Record of Authorization for Search, 4-14
Recorder, 9-20
Records disposal, 1-9
Records of trial, 3-15
authentication of, 3-16