| |
Investigation not requiring a hearingContinued
investigative procedures, 13-6
investigative report, 13-8
releasing investigations, 13-15
witnesses, 13-8
Investigations, 13-1
investigations required by other regulations, 13-2
selection of fact-finding bodies, 13-18
special incidents, 13-22
JAG Manual Investigations, 13-1
Judge Advocate General Management Information
System (JAGMIS), 1-9
productivity report, 1-9
Jury duty, 10-11
Law library, 2-1
Field Law Library Section, OJAG, 2-6
finding tools, 2-1
minimum requirements, 2-3
primary sources, 2-1
secondary sources, 2-1
sources of the law, 2-1
standard minimum list, 2-4
Law library maintenance, 2-8
accountability, 2-11
arrangement, 2-8
filing, 2-10
ordering materials, 2-12
reports, 2-13
Legal assistance, 11-1
attorney-client relations, 11-3
attorneys, 11-1
confidential and privileged character of service
provided, 11-2
cooperation with other Navy agencies, 11-8
Legal assistanceContinued
files, 11-9
functions of legal assistance attorneys, 11-2
legal assistance services, 11-5
liaison with other government agencies, 11-7
limitations on scope of services, 11-5
nonlawyer personnel, 11-1
persons eligible for assistance, 11-1
policy, 11-1
preventive law program, 11-7
purpose, 11-1
records, 11-8
referrals and fees, 11-6
reports, 11-9
Legal research, 2-14
court decisions, 2-17
Federal Legal Information Through Electronics
(FLITE), 2-18
finding tools, 2-1, 2-15
primary sources, 2-1, 2-14
secondary sources, 2-1, 2-16
statutes, 2-16
Letters of censure, 5-34, 7-17, 7-19
Line of duty/misconduct determinations, 13-19
action by reviewing authorities, 13-22
forwarding, 13-22
recording, 13-21
relationship between, 13-21
what constitutes line of duty, 13-19
what constitutes misconduct, 13-20
when determinations are required, 13-19
Matters submitted by the accused, 8-5
Medical Care Recovery Act, 12-30
governments rights, 12-30
measure of damages, 12-30