localized condition. FPCON Delta measures are not intended to
be sustained for substantial periods.
(2) FPCON Measures. Specific measures shall be
developed by Commanders as part of their AT/FP plan which
details the required actions at each FPCON.
b. Duties and Responsibilities of Auxiliary Security Force
(ASF). The ASF augments the installation's permanent security
force during increased FPCONs or when directed by the host
installation commander.
c. Antiterrorism Protection Plan. Specific measures and
procedures to deter, detect, mitigate, and recover from
terrorist attacks will be developed based on careful analysis of
threat courses of action (see Figure 1-1 for a historical
summary of terrorist attack methods and events.) AT/FP should
be considered a Navy core competency and therefore a critical
part of every mission area. Planning for all operations should
include considerations for AT/FP in order to maintain the
readiness and effectiveness of Naval Forces.