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Safety and Health Training Records
The OSH office is responsible for maintaining OSH
training records. These records must be maintained for
5 years. As required by the Federal Personnel Manual,
civilian employee training must be documented in
personnel records. Military personnel training is
documented in the General Military Training Record.
OSH offices also maintain copies of lesson plans
used for local training classes. OSH training records are
reviewed during inspections.
The primary objective of the NAVOSH Program is
to provide a safe and healthy work environment. Shore
activity occupational safety standards are derived from
OSHA regulations such as 29 CFR 1910 General
Industry Standards. Occupational health standards are
also derived from these regulations.
Most safety deficiencies are recognized during
workplace evaluations and inspections. Deficiencies
such as a broken guard on a grinder or paints stored near
a heat source are obvious hazards. Occupational
exposures to gases, dusts, radiation, and vapors are less
obvious. Identifying and monitoring these health
hazards require a more elaborate program. Most
hospitals and clinics have occupational health programs
to support the activity OSH office in recognizing and
controlling these hazards.
Occupational health programs are divided into the
following two major specialties:
Industrial hygieneInvolves surveillance of the
workplace and evaluation of identified health
qualification examinations and the medical
surveillance of employees potentially exposed to
workplace hazards
Together, these specialties try to identify, treat, and
prevent acute and chronic occupational illnesses.
Industrial Hygiene Survey
OPNAVINST 5100.23C and DODINST 6055.5,
Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Health, require
the thorough evaluation of each Navy workplace to
accurately identify and quantify all potential health
hazards. An initial, or base-line, industrial hygiene
survey is required for this evaluation. However,
potential hazards that need to be monitored must be
identified before the industrial hygiene survey can
The base-line survey is followed by periodic
surveys at intervals dependent upon the presence and
degree of hazards found. Periodic surveys must be
conducted at least annually when hazards are found.
Surveys may be scheduled at longer intervals if no
hazards are present.
Changes in the workplace require a new base-line
industrial hygiene survey, either for the entire
workplace or just for those hazards specifically altered
by the change. Limited or special-purpose evaluations
can also be conducted when problems arise or when new
information is available about the hazards of an
The first step in the industrial hygiene survey is a
workplace assessment (walk-through survey). The
responsible industrial hygienist or a qualified technician
conducts this walk-through survey to obtain the
following information:
A description of each work site
A description of operations and work practices
A list of hazardous materials or biological agents
used and their rate of use
A list of physical hazards and their sources
A description of existing controls (ventilation,
personal protective devices, etc.) with an
evaluation of their use and effectiveness
Following the walk-through survey, the industrial
hygienist prepares a written assessment of each
Workplace Monitoring Plan
Next, a workplace monitoring plan is developed for
areas in which an employee might be exposed to toxic
chemicals oe harmful physical agents. The industrial
hygienist, assisted by the OSH office, develops this plan
based on a sampling strategy designed to obtain samples
representative of actual exposures. NAVOSH standards
or the professional judgment of the industrial hygienist
determines the sampling parameters needed to quantify
employee exposures.
In quantifying an exposure, the industrial hygienist
determines the measured exposure level as compared to
safe levels. That allows the hygienist to assess the