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Analyzing Phone Power
So far, weve reviewed the basics of phone power.
You will need to monitor your recruiters phone
prospecting success and determine needs for further
training. The only way to evaluate recruiters phone
technique effectively is to listen when they are actually
phone prospecting. Role playing was fine in Enlisted
Navy Recruiting Orientation (ENRO), but you should
be involved with the actual prospecting evolution to
determine problem areas. You should check the
recruiters phone voice, use of the script, objection
handling, and effectiveness in different situations,
PHONE VOICE. Check the recruiters phone
voice. Does it project enthusiasm? Is it natural and
positive? Also critique the rate of speech, volume, tone
(well modulated versus monotone), and how easily the
recruiter is to understand. The primary question is
whether or not the recruiter sounds interesting.
USE OF THE SCRIPT. It is fine for recruiters to
keep a copy of the appointment power script in front of
them. They should, however, know it well enough to
deliver it comfortably. They should feel free to use
some of their own words, as long as they stay with the
intent of the script. All recruiters must understand and
believe the script works. Alternate phone calls with
them to show them that using the script will net
appointments. Dont worry if all your phone attempts
dont result in an appointment. It is also good for
recruiters to see you calmly handle phone rejection, ask
for referrals, and maintain your positive enthusiasm.
objection-handling techniques. Does the recruiter handle
only those objections to the appointment and refrain
from answering objections to the Navy over the phone?
How many objections did the recruiter overcome before
throwing in the towel? There is no magic number.
Some salespeople say that you should take up to seven
nos before giving up. Others will tell you that an
appointment made after overcoming seven objections
will likely be a no-show. It is up to you, based on
experience in the area, and the recruiters, based on their
perception of the prospect, to determine how many
objections they should overcome.
SPECIFIC SITUATIONS. Check how well the
recruiter adapts to different situations. He or she may
not find the prospect at home or contact may be made
with or without a resulting appointment.
Prospect Is Not at Home. If the prospect is not at
home but contact with someone occurs, rate how well
the recruiter relates with the person on the phone. Does
the recruiter determine who is on the line, ask a few
blueprinting questions, get a best time to call the
prospect back, and ask for referrals?
Is Made
Setting an
Appointment. When contact is made and no
appointment is set, in addition to checking the voice,
script use, and objection handling, see if the recruiter
was able to maintain rapport with the prospect. Were
some basic blueprinting questions answered? Did the
recruiter ask for referrals? Did the recruiter let the
prospect know he or she would check back with the
prospect again? Did the recruiter leave the prospect an
excuse for changing her or his mind later? A good line
to use is, Keep in mind that peoples plans do change.
If yours do, Id like to hear from you, Leaving this
opening for future contacts can help the prospect who,
after thinking about it or having a change in personal
circumstance, decides that he or she would like to meet
with a Navy recruiter after all.
Contact and Appointment Is Made. If an
appointment is made, how far in advance should it be
set? Appointments set too far in advance have no-show
potential. The prospect may lose interest, succumb to
peer pressure, have a change of plans, or simply forget.
Is the location the most advantageous for the prospect?
Although the office is the best location for the recruiter,
it may not be for all prospects. Make sure the recruiter
took the prospect and his or her transportation
alternatives into consideration when setting the location.
Did the recruiter blueprint? Ask the recruiter how he or
she feels about the appointment? Did the prospect
sound eager to meet with him or her or did the prospect
surrender? If the recruiter does not feel good about the
appointment being kept, he or she should take some
insurance policy steps to increase the odds. The
recruiter might even want to get a delayed entry
program (DEP) member to talk with the prospect before
the appointment date. If the recruiter is going to have to
drive out to meet with the prospect, he or she should
try to schedule another appointment in the area for
effective time management.
Referral prospecting is preferred by successful
recruiters more than any other mode. They realize that
referrals can be pre-blueprinted. Add that to having a
mutual acquaintance and conversations can be much