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Page Title: Figure 6-2.Who do you know? - referral sheet
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easier  to  initiate.  Referral  sources  are  important.  More important than who you ask for referrals, though, is how you ask for them. We’ll discuss both sources and technique  in  the  following  paragraphs. Referral Sources Virtually anyone can become a source of referrals. All you have to do is ask. Some sources, however, will have more frequent contact with the quality market you are  looking  for. DEP PERSONNEL. – Your best sources of referrals are personnel in the DEP. They have already decided to go Navy and can have considerable influence with their peers. Some may readily provide referrals but most will need some motivating toward that end. The Delayed Entry   Program (DEP)   Leadership   Manual, COMNAVCRUITCOMINST  1133.7,  provides  informa- tion on establishing a written DEP advancement plan based on referrals. There are also a variety of “Who do you  know?”  sheets  that  help  to  trigger  the  DEP member’s memory when providing referrals. Figure 6-2 WHO DO YOU KNOW? This  is  a  good  referral  generating  exercise  to  use  at  delayed  entry  program  (DEP)  meetings  or  anytime  you  have  a  DEP member who has trouble thinking of people to refer. Use five or six questions from the list at a time. After the DEP members have provided names, let them know that these names could be the starting point you need to start working for them to help them reach their referral/advancement goal. Blueprint to find out if the names can be bona fide referrals. Besides qualifying questions, ask about their  plans,  interests,  and  hobbies.  Use  your  imagination  to  add  to  the  list.  Some  questions  identify  physical  or  mental  attributes, benefit needs, and others are just for fun and memory jogging. Good luck and have fun with it. 1. Who is your best friend? Worst enemy? 2. Who was the best student in math class? Science class? 3. Who was the best all-around athlete in your graduating class? Class clown? 4. Who sat in front of you in English class? Behind you? 5. Who drives a red car? A car that needs to be painted? 6. Who is the best auto mechanic? 7. Who is the smartest person you know? Strongest? 8. Who do you know that works in a hardware store? An auto parts store? A gas station? 9. Who do you know that works in a fast-food store? 10. Who is the best dressed person you know? 11.  Who  is  the  best  baseball  player?  Basketball  player?  Football  player? 12. Who has the fastest car? Best-looking car? 13. Who has the biggest dog? Strangest pet? 14. Who owns a motorcycle? A four-wheeler? 15. Who has a parent that is retired military? On the police force? Unemployed? Working in a factory? 16. Who has red hair? 17. Who do you know that bags groceries? Delivers pizza? 18. Who do you know that plays chess? 19. Who is the best video game player? Pool player? Bowler? 20. Who is starting to get a receding hairline? 21. Who took welding in VOTECH? Electronics? 22. Who wants to go to college but thinks it’s unaffordable? 23. Who dropped out or is not going back to college? 24. Who is the best shot with a pistol, rifle, or shotgun? 25. Who is the best swimmer? Wrestler? Weight lifter? 26. Who has a flag flying in front of their house? 27. Who likes to hunt? Fish? Go camping? 28. Who do you know that has been to Hawaii? Europe? 29. Who owns a CB radio? Corvette? Personal computer? 30. Who likes to scuba dive? Skydive? Race cars or bikes? 31. Who has or is getting a pilot’s license? 32. Who is looking for a job? 33. Who has complained about making minimum wage? Boring jobs? Figure 6-2.—Who do you know?  - referral sheet. 6-7

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