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gives an example of such a form. The form should not be used in its entirety. Instead, ask a few of the descriptions at a time and then blueprint the resulting referrals, Recruiters should not ask for more than they can effectively follow up on at one time. PROSPECTS  AND  APPLICANTS.–  Every interview, whether closed, scheduled for follow-up, or disqualified, should end with a request for referrals. Try asking “Who do you know. . ? rather than “Do you know. .  ?” This assumes that yes, of course, they know someone who can benefit from hearing about Navy opportunities. Don’t discount those individuals who are not enlistment eligible themselves, especially when they have displayed a genuine interest in the Navy. By letting them know that they can be a part of the Navy in another way, as an Honorary Navy Recruiter, you can be well on your way to developing a productive center of influence (COI). All applicants should be tasked with providing referrals during the initial interview. Let them know that providing referrals will enable you to start working for them right away to help them earn an advancement before they even leave for basic training. CENTERS OF INFLUENCE.– Anyone can be a potential COI. COIs, however, must be cultivated by the recruiter. They should know the type of prospect we are looking for and a little of what we can provide. Recruiters should build rapport with COIs just as they would with a prospect. Scout leaders, youth group advisors, YMCA/YWCA  personnel, and teen employment counselors are natural choices for COI cultivation. Other  potential  COIs  might  include managers of fast-food restaurants, video arcades, cycle shops, or any other establishment that appears to draw the target market crowd. Use your imagination and keep an open mind whenever you are meeting people in the community. SCHOOL COUNSELORS.– A natural source of referrals is the school guidance counselors. They are in the position to have frequent contact with a large part of your primary market. They are also involved with helping these young people plan their futures. Some counselors may want to push every student toward continued education. Recruiters should educate the counselors on the excellent training and educational opportunities offered by the Navy. Make sure they are kept up to date on information that will meet their goals as  well  as  ours. By providing Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) information and analysis, updates on past graduates who have enlisted, and support for school activities, recruiters can build rapport that will enhance their referral business. A bit of personalized rapport can go even further. Use your imagination to find out counselors’ birthdays and send them a card each year. Thank-you cards for any special assistance  can  make  a  hit.  Keep  in  mind  that recognition is not as frequent in the educational community as you may be used to in the Navy. Those letters  of  appreciation  and  commendation  can  be important in increasing counselors’ support of Navy recruiting. Imagine the surprise of counselors who have not been too helpful in the past when the letter of appreciation is delivered by the recruiter, framed and ready for hanging. They may decide there are some ways they can help after all. OTHER SERVICE RECRUITERS.– Recruiters also should build and maintain rapport with the other service recruiters in their territory. Many times eligibility requirements differ slightly from one service to another. Qualified prospects may decline enlistment in one branch of the armed services but still be open to another. Be cautious when accepting referrals who do not qualify for another service. We don’t want to look like the service of last resort. P A R T I C I P A N T S   I N   R E C R U I T I N G ASSISTANCE  PROGRAMS.–  There are several programs designed for active duty personnel to provide assistance to Navy recruiters. The Standard Operating Procedures   Manual, COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 5400.2,  provides information on the Recruiting Assistance Leave Program. The  Administrative Procedures for the Hometown Area Recruiting Program (HARP), Officer Hometown Area Recruiting Program (OHARP), and Senior Minority Assistance to Recruiting (SEMINAR) Program, COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 1300.1, and Policies and Administrative Procedures for the  Hometown  Area  Recruiting  Program  (HARP), Officer Hometown Area Recruiting Program (OHARP), and  Senior  Minority  Assistance  to Recruiting (SEMINAR) Program, OPNAVINST 1300.16, provide background, policy, and procedures for the HARP, OHARP, and SEMINAR Programs. To get the best results  from  participants  in  these  programs,  the recruiter-in-charge (RINC) should spend sometime with them for training, indoctrination, and planning. Participants should see recruiters at work and be given instruction on telephone and personal contact skills. They should be provided some information on Navy programs and eligibility requirements. The RINC should help participants set up a plan of action and goals based on their knowledge and abilities. Recruiting assistance 6-8

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