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program  participants  should  be  expected  to  provide personal referrals, phone contacts, and interface with COIs.   They   may   also be   helpful   by   making presentations or visits at local schools and participating in interviews with high school counselors and teachers. Most of the participants will not readily know how they can help the recruiting effort. It is up to the RINC to help  them  see  where  they  can  be  most  useful.  The ultimate   goal   of   recruiting   assistance   program participants  is  to  provide  referrals  who  will  enlist,  but there are many other benefits that can be derived from their assignment. Their very presence in the community can be a living example of Navy opportunities. Make sure they know that they are advertising for the Navy each  time  they  go  out  in  the  community.  Stress  the importance  of  professional  appearance  and  conduct. Above  all  make  them  feel  that  they  have  an  important job  to  do  during  their  assignment.  Make  sure  press releases are made announcing their arrival. Provide training and monitor their progress. Now let’s look at the  programs  individually  so  you  will  have  a  better understanding of your participants. Recruiting  Assistance  Leave  program.–  To qualify for receiving 5 days of nonchargeable leave, personnel must  be  on  regular  leave  between  A  or  C  school  or apprenticeship  training  and  their  first  permanent  duty station.  Members  are  authorized  to  help  the  local recruiter for 5 consecutive days. They are expected to participate  in  regularly  scheduled  school  canvassing visits,   to   speak   at   recruiting   functions   and   civic activities, to follow up PRO-Navy recruit training center (RTC) referrals, and to accompany recruiters on home visits.   After  completion  of  recruiting  assistance, members with the proper endorsement from the Navy recruiting district (NRD) will be credited with up to 5 days  of  nonchargeable  leave. Hometown Area Recruiting Program.–  HARP is a  program  that  returns  enlisted  personnel  to  their hometowns for a 12-day period to help local recruiters by  relating  their  Navy  experiences  to  their  peers. Participants are assigned to the recruiting station nearest their   hometown   on   permissive   no-cost   temporary additional  duty  (TEMADD)  authorizations  normally  in conjunction  with  regular  leave.  HARP  duty  is  not authorized in conjunction with permanent change of station  (PCS)  orders.  Participants  must  be  screened  by their  commanding  officers  (COs)  and  exemplify  the highest  standards  of  military  appearance,  conduct,  and courtesy.  They  must  be  high  school  graduates  from  the town where they want to participate in HARP and their home must be within 30 miles of a recruiting station. They   should   normally   be   under   24   years   of   age (waivers are considered on a case-by-case basis) and must  provide  their  own  transportation  to  and  from  the NRS.  The  NRD  may  authorize  them  to  operate government   vehicles   during   their   assignment   for recruiting business only. Senior  Minority Assistance  to  Recruiting Program.– The SEMINAR Program was established to provide assistance to the Navy in its efforts to recruit more black and Hispanic applicants and to enhance the Navy’s  image  in  these  communities.  Through  this program, the Navy temporarily returns (for a minimum of 20 days) highly qualified black and Hispanic officers and senior enlisted personnel to their home communities to  meet  with  local  influential  community  members  and to  discuss  the  variety  of  educational,  career,  and advancement programs the Navy offers. Although the program is specifically targeted to black and Hispanic communities, participation is open to other minorities when  the  Navy  needs  specific  recruiting  assistance. SEMINAR is performed in conjunction with PCS orders and, usually, the participant is entitled to per diem and travel  allowances.  SEMINAR  participants  must  be volunteers  in  paygrades  E-6  through  E-9  or  W-2 through O-6, Personnel in grades O-4 and below will be screened  by  their  COs.  There  are  no  rate  or  age restrictions. Referral  Techniques As we mentioned before, how you ask for a referral is more important than who you ask. If you walk into a room and ask who knows someone who wants to go in the Navy, rarely will a profusion of hands be raised. Ask  who  knows  someone  who  needs  money  for  college, a good job, training, travel opportunities, or financial security  and  you  are  likely  to  get  a  more  positive response. When asking for referrals, we must paint a picture  of  the  prospect  we  are  looking  for.  People  need some  frame  of  reference  to  remind  them  of  people  they know who would benefit from Navy opportunities. Be creative, One particular y imaginative recruiter was working  with  a  COI  to  get  some  new  referrals.  The recruiter asked, “Who do you know that I should be talking to – someone who has good potential but needs some new opportunities, someone who would make a good team player, someone who needs to continue his or  her  education,  someone  who  can  be  a  leader.  .  .” Each picture left the COI without a referral in mind. Finally, the recruiter asked, “Okay, I’ll bet there is some young fellow who hot rods up and down your street that you’d like to send to boot camp.” The COI smiled 6-9

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