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and said, “Now that you mention that, Johnny Smith is a really nice kid, but he loves to tinker with his car late at night. I did hear that he was looking for a job as a mechanic.”  With  a  bit  more  blueprinting,  this  recruiter was  ready  to  make  a  solid  referral  contact.  Another innovative  recruiter,  upon  connecting  with  a  wrong telephone number, began a friendly conversation with an elderly lady on the other end, apologizing for the inconvenience. He told her she sounded like a very nice person on the phone and asked if by any chance she was patriotic. She responded favorably. So the recruiter went on to ask if she could do one thing for her country that wouldn’t cost her a dime, would she be interested. Again she responded positively. The recruiter then said, “Well ma’am, if you were the Navy recruiter here in town, and it was up to you to put three new sailors in the Navy this month to save this great country of ours, who would be the first three names that would come to mind?” Needless to say, the recruiter got three referrals, plenty of preapproach blueprinting, and a new friend of the Navy — all from a wrong number. Referral Follow-Up, Feedback, and Recognition The best way to continue getting referrals from any source is to be sure to follow up immediately, provide feedback,  and  give  timely  recognition.  When  recruiters receive  referrals  they  should  also  do  some  blueprinting to include a good time to reach the prospect either by phone or in person. Then they should follow up on the contact  as  soon  as  possible.  After  contact  has  been made, recruiters should get back to the source of the referral to let them know the outcome. If the referral results in a contract, a request for referral recognition should  be  submitted  immediately.  The   Recruiting Referral  Recognition  Program,  COMNAVCRUITCOM- INST   5305.1,   provides   policy   and   procedures   for requesting recognition, awards, and advancement for referrals that result in new contracts. By keeping the referral   source   informed,   giving   feedback   on   the progress of their referrals, and providing recognition, you are including them in the Navy team. Continued support  from  these  individuals  will  be  likely. ADVERTISING One   of   the   primary   goals   of   advertising   is generating   qualified   leads   for   recruiter   follow-up. Although  recruiters do  not  purchase  advertising themselves,  they  work  the  leads  that  are  generated  from it.  There  are  two  sources  of  advertising  leads,  local advertising and national advertising. Chapter 7 will cover  advertising  efforts  in  detail.  In  the  next  few paragraphs we will look at the prospecting, reporting, and follow-up of both local and national leads. Local  Leads Leads   generated   from   local   advertising   are processed through the NRD’s LEADS tracking center (LTC).  The  LTC  uses  a  system  called  the  Local Effective  Accession  Delivery  System  (LEADS)  to process  responses  to  locally  placed  ads  and  direct  mail. The LEADS  Tracking  Centers,  COMNAVCRUITCOM- INST 1143.2, provides complete guidance and policy. Prospects call a special phone number at the NRD or send  a  response  card  back  to  the  LTC.  Trained interviewers screen the callers using a script to see if they are qualified and interested in talking to a recruiter. If   they   are,   the   LTC   notifies   the   recruiter   right away – within 30 minutes if possible – by phone and forwards a prospect card within 24 hours by mail. LTCs with  three-way  calling  capability  will  get  the  recruiter on  the  line,  introduce  the  prospect,  and  sign  off. Recruiters  must  fill  out  a  leads  feedback  sheet  and return it to the LTC after working the lead. We must remember that these leads are interested in a job and training but not necessarily in the Navy. The prospects are prescreened, but it is still up to the recruiter to sell the prospect on the Navy. RECRUITER   FOLLOW-UP   AND   REPORT- ING.–  Every qualified and interested lead sent to a recruiter  includes  a  feedback  sheet  in  the  format  of figure   6-3.   These   sheets   must   be   completed   and returned  to  the  LTC  within  15  working  days.  Lead attempts must be made daily until contact is made. Lead  cards  will  remain  in  the  working  tickler  for  4 months, or until contracted, disqualified, or otherwise made  unworkable.  Some  LTCs  may  send  qualified  but not interested leads to recruiters. These are useful for market identification and future follow-up but do not require  feedback. LTC REPORTS.–  The LTC supervisor provides several reports that are useful for leads effectiveness evaluation. The   Enlisted   LTC   Production   Report, Enlisted Leads Dispatch Report, and the RTC Dispatch Report are sent weekly to the chief recruiter (CR), zone supervisors  (ZSs),  and  RINCs.  The  tracking  reports  for newspaper advertising and direct mail efforts are not usually distributed to the field but are available from the LTC if you want to review them. 6-10

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