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Figure 6-3.-Leads feedback sheet.
l Enlisted LTC Production Report. This report is
l Enlisted Leads Dispatch Report.This report lists
issued weekly and provides local lead and the RTC
leads sent to each NRS with name and phone number.
PRO-Navy referral lead information by station, zone,
The weekly dispatch report is a vital follow-up
and NRD total. This report gives the number of leads
document for supervisors. Carry the report to station
sent for the week, month, and year to date along with
visits. These are cards you will want to see when
fiscal year to date ratios for lead to contract.
checking for prospecting efforts. How a station works
Supervisors should spend some time comparing these
its leads usually tells a supervisor alot about its overall
ratios to determine if their people are aggressively
prospecting efforts.
pursuing leads.