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national lead production based on ratios of leads
accessed by enlisted leads for all districts within an
Area, and enlisted and officer by all Areas.
Ranking Report is a management report derived from
the NALTS Executive Summary. It provides a quick
overview of the national standing of each district and
Area in the follow-up of both officer and enlisted leads
in the major performance categories of overdue leads,
tested leads, system force-closed leads, and accessed
REPORT. The NALTS Monthly Lead Status Report is
an accounting report of all national leads that an Area,
district, or station is handling during a fiscal year. The
report is divided into four categories leads in process,
total accessed, total not accessed with reasons, and
overdue leads not reported on and force-closed by the
system. The performance of an Area/district/station in
these categories can be compared to the national
average of all Areas/districts/stations to determine if
performance is above or below the national norm.
CODE LISTING. The station and ZIP Code listing
provides to the NRDs the phone number, address, and
hours of operation for the district and all stations within
the district. It also provides a listing of all ZIP Codes
and zone codes currently assigned to the stations as
directed by the district and recorded by the NOIC. The
NRS and ZIP Code listing is distributed monthly to the
LTC for update or changes. The stations receive a copy
of the ZIP Code territory listing for informational
purposes only. The information on this report is used
daily to direct prospects from national advertising to
their local district and station and to issue NALTS
prospect cards for follow-up.
The Science and Art of Navy Recruiting Manual,
COMNAVCRUITCOMINST 1133.6, defines personally
developed contacts (PDCs) as a method of prospecting
an individual with whom the recruiter initiates
conversation to determine whether or not he or she is a
candidate for the Navy. This method of prospecting is
basic canvassing getting out in your territory and
canvassing the people you meet. PDC canvassing is not
always easy. Some recruiters have a natural ability to
initiate conversations. Others may be inhibited by a
culture that teaches them not to speak with strangers. It
takes a certain amount of confidence and enthusiasm to
PDC. Recruiters should understand that rejection is not
the end of the world. A no on the street should be no
more traumatic than a no on the phone. The right
approach to PDC canvassing will vary depending on the
personality of the recruiter, but the following
paragraphs offer suggestions to consider.
PDC Planning
A little planning goes a long way in developing
PDCs. Familiarize yourself with your territory, You
should know where to concentrate your PDCing efforts.
Look for places where potential prospects congregate.
PDCing will be a part of every itinerary, but should be
scheduled at other times as well. Talk with business
owners or others in the area that can recommend the
best time to find the market you are looking for. Once
primary canvassing targets and times are identified,
each recruiter must develop his or her own approach
and be aggressive in creating and using opportunities
for initiating conversation. Always carry a good supply
of calling cards and some small giveaway items.
Using the Appointment Power, Phone/PDC Script
The appointment power script is designed for
PDCing as well as phone prospecting. Recruiters must
use the script in a natural and fluid manner to be
effective. This requires practice and real life application,
Recruiters may want to tailor the script to fit their
personalities and the style of the market they are
Sometimes recruiters are intimidated by PDCing
because they are looking for people to join the Navy.
To help these individuals become more confident and
comfortable with approaching strangers, have them try
friend-finding first. Give them a wheelbook or other
small notebook and send them, or better yet take them,
out in their territory. The goal is to meet people and
introduce themselves as Navy representatives. They
should ask open-ended questions to find out a little
about each person they meet. After each meeting, they
should make appropriate notes in their wheelbook. As
an example: Kyle Becker works afternoons at Pizzeria,
likes baseball, plays first base for Milton High School,
and has a brother in the Navy. Now, the next time the
recruiter approaches this individual, it will not be as a
stranger. The recruiter has some ready made
conversation starters and can move on to the idea of an
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