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appointment or request for referrals.
All the
friend-finding efforts should not be limited to potential
prospects. Have the recruiter approach potential COIs
the same way. Somehow, going out to find a friend of
the Navy is not nearly as awe-inspiring as going out to
find someone to enlist.
Team PDCing
Another technique that can increase your PDCing
contacts is team PDCing. Pair up recruiters to canvass
an area. There is more confidence in numbers. It can be
especially effective when you team inexperienced
recruiters with those who have been productive PDCers.
They can learn from each other and are usually more
effective as a team than they would be alone.
Using Recruiting Advertising Items
Some recruiters like to PDC using a recruiting
advertising (RAD) item. The RAD item gives them a
reason for starting a conversation with the prospect and
can serve as a lead-in. By referring to pictures and
passages in the RAD item, the recruiter has a planned
approach to conversation with the prospect.
Prospecting is an ongoing evolution. Recruiters and
supervisors who truly believe in their product cannot
help but be constantly on the alert for someone who
may benefit from Navy opportunities. Prospecting
opportunities are everywhere. You stop on the way to
work to pick up your dry cleaning. Perhaps the lady
behind the counter has a son or daughter looking for
college money. You go to lunch, the young man
bussing tables looks bright and enthusiastic. The
waitress says she wishes she had a chance to travel.
You pick up a newspaper later in the day. The salesman
has pictures of his family behind the register. You drop
by the barbershop for a haircut. Several customers are
waiting. They all know someone you could talk to
about Navy opportunities if asked properly. You stop
on the way home for milk and bread. The cashier is
curious about your ribbons. The bagboy is wearing a
letter jacket from a local high school with this years
grad date sewn on it. Later, you take your family out to
a movie. You have the opportunity to talk with the
ticket clerk, the usher, and the concession folks. Just
look around. Potential sailors are everywhere.
Our discussion of enlistment eligibility will be
abbreviated due to fluctuating enlistment requirements.
Enlistment eligibility requirements are prescribed by the
Navy Recruiting Manual - Enlisted, COMNAVCRUIT-
COMINST 1130.8. Frequent changes are issued to this
instruction due to current Navy needs. It is imperative
that all recruiters keep their manuals up to date to
maintain accuracy and integrity. Thorough blueprinting
is necessary to ensure all eligibility requirements are
met. In the following paragraphs we discuss basic
qualifications, waivers,
and referrals to officer
Basic enlistment eligibility requirements (BEERs)
are requirements that every enlistee must meet,
regardless of the type or length of his or her program.
BEERs categories include name, age, social security
number, citizenship, education, dependency, prior
service, Armed Forces Qualifying Test (AFQT) scores,
drug usage, police involvement, and physical
The minimum enlistment age for enlistment is 17
years old. Applicants who have not reached their 18th
birthday will require their parents consent. The
maximum age for enlistment for nonprior service
individuals is 34. They must not have reached their
35th birthday. The maximum age for reenlistment of
individuals with prior service is determined as follows.
Applicants must be able to complete enough service
creditable for transfer to the Fleet Reserve before
reaching their 55th birthday or complete 30 years active
duty service before their 65th birthday.
Social Security Number
All applicants must have a social security number
before enlistment. Since 1943, the social security
number has been used as the members military
personnel identification number upon entering the Navy.
To be eligible for enlistment in the U.S. Navy or
Naval Reserve, an applicant must be a U.S. citizen, a