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Upon the completion of this chapter, you will
know how to classify the different categories of mail,
understand the Navys mailing policy, what special
services are available, and the restrictions that apply
to each.
As the official mail manager (OMM) or assistant,
you will be accepting many different types of articles,
such as letters, merchandise, books, magazines, and
other similar items. Before you accept any article for
mailing, you should determine what class of mail it is
and by what method it will be sent. Domestic mail is
classified by weight, contents, and service. Domestic
mail is divided into five classes: Express, First-Class,
Periodicals, Standard Mail (A), and Standard Mail (B).
When you are ready to conduct business,
determine what classes of mail you will be handling.
You should be familiar with domestic mail, its classes,
and the rates of postage.
Domestic mail as stated in the Domestic Mail
M a n u a l is defined as:
Domestic mail is mail
transmitted within, among, and between the United
States; its territories and possessions; the areas
comprising the former Canal Zone; Army/Air Force
post offices (APO) and fleet post offices (FPO); and
mail for delivery to the United Nations, New York.
To understand what the term t e r r i t o r i e s a nd
possessions means, refer to figure 4-1.
From figure 4-1, you can see it is possible to send
a letter halfiway around the world and be subject to the
same rate of postage as you would for a letter being
sent across town.
Domestic mail is divided into classes according to
the contents and weight of the article being mailed, and
the service desired by the sender. -
To compute the postage and fees for domestic
mail, you should use the Domestic Mail Manual
(DMM) and the changes announced in the USPS
Postal Bulletin. Use USPS Poster 123-L or 123-S with
the Postal Zone Chart of the mailing post office to
determine the postal zone. Compute the postage and
f e e s f o r i n t e r n a t i o n a l m a i l a c c o r d i n g t o t he
Figure 4-1.List of U.S. territories and possessions.
International Mail Manual (IMM), the USPS Poster
51, and changes announced in the USPS Postal
Bulletin. Properly programmed electronic scales may
be used to meet all these postal computations.
Items mailed from one overseas military post
office (MPO) to another overseas MPO in the same
geographic theater will display the words DOD official
intratheater mail in the area where the postage is
usually affixed. The words DOD offlcial intratheater
m a i l c a n b e t y p e w r i t t e n , r u b b e r s t a m p e d , or
mechanically printed.
Q1. When computing postage for domestic mail, you
should refer to Poster 123-L or 123-S, the USPS
Postal Bulletin, and what other publication?
Items mailed from one overseas MPO to another
overseas MPO in the same theater must have
what words placed where the postage is normally
T h e c l a s s o f m a i l , s e r v i c e , a n d m o d e of
transportation selected for official mail must meet the
security, accountability, and delivery requirements of
material when shipped at the lowest cost.
Parcels containing logistics material (for example:
parts or supplies) are forwarded to the transportation
officer for shipment by the most economical mode of
transportation available.
Shipment of parcels containing administrative
material not subject to the Private Express Statutes,