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or  personnel  in  a  disciplinary  status  as  a  result  of court-martial. The Navy and Marine Corps Relief Society refers dependents  of  such  individuals  who  seek  assistance  to local welfare agencies. While processing the application for  welfare  the  Navy  and  Marine  Corps  Relief  Society may provide comfort items to prevent hardship. Application  Procedures Application for assistance is made to any auxiliary, branch, or office of the Navy and Marine Corps Relief Society, or to headquarters, Arlington, Virginia, via the American  Red  Cross.  Relief  agencies  of  the  other services can also provide assistance when needed. Refer to the  Naval  Military  Personnel  Manual (MILPERSMAN), Article 3450150, for more information  on  the  Navy  and  Marine  Corps  Relief Society. AMERICAN RED CROSS The American Red Cross is a voluntary health and welfare  organization.  The  organization  received  its  first congressional   charter   in   June   1900   and   was reincorporated by an act of Congress on 5 January 1905. Two purposes of the organization relate to activities with the armed forces. As specified by the charter, these purposes arc (1) “to furnish volunteer aid to the sick and wounded of the armed forces in time of war . . .“ and (2) “to act in matters of voluntary relief and in accord with the military authorities as a medium of communication between  the  people  of  the  United  States  of  America  and their Armed Forces . . .”    Additionally,  the  Red  Cross supports and supplements those activities of the military that  affect  the  health,  welfare,  and  morale  of  military personnel  and  their  families. While these purposes arc specific, the Red Cross is not limited to them. Over the years, as situations and needs have changed, the organization has expanded its activities.  Amendments  to  the  Red  Cross  charter,  new federal  laws,  and  military  directives  give  the  Red  Cross the authority to expand its programs for the benefit of members of the armed forces and their families both in peace and in war. How Red Cross Receives Funds While the Red Cross receives a large amount of logistical  support  from  the  Department  of  Defense (DOD) and its branches, the organization is not funded by the federal government, but by voluntary donations to the United Way and the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) and by direct contribution where federal fund raising  does  not  exist. Agencies That Authorize Red Cross to Provide Services to Member-s of the Armed Forces Red Cross service to members of the armed forces is authorized by the Congress (through Public Law 131, 83d  Congress),  DOD  (through  DOD  Directive  1330.5), and  the  various  branches  of  the  Military  Establishment (through  AR  930-5,  AFR  211-11,  and   American National Red Cross,  SECNAVINST   5760.1C). How Services Are Provided Red  Cross  station  managers,  their  assistants,  and approximately  2,900  Red  Cross  chapters  in  local civilian communities provide services to members of the  armed  forces  at  most  of  the  larger  military installations and military hospitals, both in the United States and overseas. Uniformed, trained volunteers offer invaluable  assistance.  Their  service  provides  a  unique arrangement  whereby  station  managers  and  local chapters cooperate to give assistance on the basis of the needs of the total family, even though family members may be separated. Services to Military Personnel on Ships at Sea and  at  Isolated  Locations  Worldwide The   Red   Cross   provides   service,   including emergency  health  and  welfare  communications,  to service  members  aboard  ships  at  sea  or  in  remote overseas   locations   through   the   emergency communication  unit,  sometimes  called  AMCROSS,  at Red Cross National Headquarters, Washington, DC. This office sends reports received from Red Cross units in  the  home  communities  on  serious  illness,  death,  or any  other  family  emergencies,  and  birth  notifications, by rapid communications to the commanding officer (CO) of the ship or of the isolated military unit. The report is then shared with the service member. If no Red Cross member is assigned, the CO sends requests for reports and replies such as leave decisions directly  to  AMCROSS,  Washington,  DC.  The  Red  Cross accepts requests for reports related to emergency leave or  emergency  leave  extension  and  provides  appropriate information to the military headquarters offices. To help station  managers  expedite  delivery  of  emergency communications, the unit must provide the whereabouts and identification of service members. 6-2

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