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Refer  to  the  MILPERSMAN,  Article  3450150,  and SECNAVINST 5760.1C for more information on the Red  Cross. UNITED SERVICES ORGANIZATION The  USO  is  a  civilian,  voluntary,  nonprofit organization  supported  solely  by  private  contributions. For more than five decades, the USO has exclusively served  the  human  needs  of  military  personnel  and  their families  worldwide. The USO helps our military community adjust to the  unique  hardships  of  a  transient  life-style  and promotes  strong  and  lasting  relationships  between military  and  host  civilian  communities  around  the world. The USO is not a part of the U.S. Government and receives no direct federal funding. The USO relies on the  generosity  of  the  American  public  for  funding through  individual  and  corporate  donations,  the  United Way, and the CFC. The USO is located worldwide, stretching from the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) in Korea, to Iceland, and to the Middle East. The USO assists the U.S. Armed Forces through  airport  centers,  fleet  centers,  family  and community   centers,   orientation   and   intercultural programs,  and  celebrity  entertainment. For more information you may contact the UsO World   Headquarters,   601   Indiana   Avenue,   NW., Washington, DC 20004, or visit the nearest USO office. NAVY WIVES ORGANIZATIONS The  valuable  contribution  made  by  Navy  wives  to promote the general welfare of all persons within the Navy  community  is  recognized.  Commands  should support the establishment and maintenance of a strong and  effective  wives  organization  dedicated  to  enhance the morale and improvement in the quality of life for Navy members and their families. The Navy Wives Club of America, Incorporated The  Navy  Wives  Club  of  America,  Incorporated (NWCA) is composed of a board of national officers, five regional presidents, and local clubs at many naval activities throughout the United States and in overseas areas.  Membership  is  open  to  all  the  wives  of  enlisted members of the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard who are serving on active duty, enlisted men in active Reserve units of those services, enlisted men in a retired with pay status who have been rated by the Department of Veterans Affairs to be 100 percent disabled, and widows of enlisted men in those services. The  program  of  the  NWCA  includes,  but  is  not limited  to,  the  following: Volunteer  work  for  Navy  and  Marine  Corps Relief Society, Red Cross, FSCs, and many other organizations Aid to needy service and veterans families Visits to naval and veterans hospitals and service to  patients Financial  contributions  to  many  charitable  funds and  organizations Educational lectures and courses on the Navy, Navy   life,   rights   and   benefits,   career opportunities,  Navy  Relief,  Red  Cross,  and personal  development  skills Congenial  social  programs  for  the  wives  and families  of  enlisted  personnel The  Navy  Wives  Clubs  of  America  Scholarship Foundation  provides  scholarships  for  college  work  and vocational training to dependent children of enlisted members of the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. A large part of the clubs fund raising is for the benefit of this major project. The  Navy  Wifeline  Association Founded in 1965, Wifeline is an informational and educational  organization  comprised  of  volunteer  Navy wives.  Wifeline  operates  as  an  educational  center  and provides  and  fosters  a  channel  of  communications primarily for Navy wives and secondarily for naval personnel. The objective of Wifeline is to increase Navy wives   understanding   of   the   Navys   mission   and commitments. The Wifeline Association is located in the Washington Navy Yard, Washington, DC 20374. Refer  to  the  MILPERSMAN,  Article  3450200,  for more information on Navy wives organizations and activities. ARMED FORCES HOSTESS ASSOCIATION The  Armed  Forces  Hostess  Association  (AFHA)  is an all-volunteer group of military wives representing the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. 6-3

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