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member or in other instances when, at the discretion of
the CO, such action is warranted.
For personnel who are transferred to another
activity for further transfer to the Fleet Reserve or the
Retired List, the presentation ceremony must be
conducted by the last permanent duty station and not the
activity to which member is transferred.
When a member is released from active duty at a
ceremony marking transfer to the Retired List or the
Fleet Reserve, the CO should present:
a DD Form 363, Certificate of Retirement,
transmitted to the command by CHNAVPERS, or
a NAVPERS 1830/3, Certificate - Fleet Reserve
(stocked in the Navy supply system, prepared at the
command, and signed by the CO), and, if appropriate,
a NAVPERS 1650/59, Spouse Certificate of
Appreciation (designed for presentation to wives,
stocked in the Navy supply system, prepared at the
command, and signed by the CO); or
a NAVPERS 1650/62, Certificate of
Appreciation from the United States Navy (designed for
presentation to husbands, stocked by the CHNAVPERS
[PERS 27], prepared at the command, and signed by the
CO). In those cases when the DD Form 363 or
NAVPERS 1650/62 are not received in sufficient time,
or personal presentation is not possible, the certificates
must be mailed to recipients with a forwarding letter
from the CO.
In addition to the previous forms, a DD Form
2542, Certificate of Appreciation for Service in the
Armed Forces of the United States, must be presented
to each member retiring or transferring to the Fleet
Reserve from the Navy after serving 20 or more years
and attaining eligibility to receive retired pay. (Members
of the Reserve components will be presented this
certificate on their transfer to the Retired Reserve.)
Also, letters of appreciation, signed by the President,
will be presented to selected personnel specified in this
section and the MILPERSMAN, Article 3810200.
A DD Form 2542 bearing the signature of the
president, as Commander in Chief, has been established
for extending the Nations appreciation to those who are
retiring or transferring to the Fleet Reserve after
honorable service in the Navy. A DD Form 2542 must
be completed by the command with name, rank, and
military service and must be presented at the time of the
service members retirement. (DD Form 2542 must not
appear on the actual certificate.)
The certificate is an expression of gratitude to the
individual for military service and is not intended to
have any legal effect on entitlements or benefits.
Accordingly, a copy of the certificate or a notation that
the service member has received the certificate will not
be made a part of the service members permanent
military record.
In addition to certificates, the following personnel
will receive standard letters of appreciation prepared
by the White House Military Office and signed by the
President: naval personnel retiring with at least 30
years of military service; the Chairman and the Vice
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) and Chiefs
of Staff of the Military Services on retirement; the
Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy on retirement;
recipients of the Medal of Honor on retirement or
transferring to the Fleet Reserve; and former prisoners
of war (POWs) on retirement or transferring to the
Fleet Reserve who qualify for or have been awarded
the POW Medal.
PERS 27 mails both the certificate of appreciation
and letter of appreciation. The letter of appreciation is
obtained by having the service member complete a 4 x
5 post card that is included in the retirement package
prepared and mailed by PERS 27. Letters of
appreciation arc mailed directly to the service members
home address.
For ceremonies marking the transfer of personnel in
the inactive Naval Reserve to the Retired Reserve or the
Naval Reserve Retired List, the CO requests from the
Naval Reserve Personnel Center (NRPC) (Code 25), an
advance DD Form 363 or NRPC 1820/58, Retired
Reserve Without Pay Certificate.
Award ceremonies are as important as
reenlistment and retirement ceremonies. As a first
class or chief petty officer, your duties in the
preparation for award ceremonies will depend on
where you are stationed. For example, some of your
responsibilities may include making sure all awards
are properly prepared and medals, if any, are
purchased for presentation. You also must make sure
all awardees are present at the awards ceremonies in
proper uniform without revealing to them the type of
award being presented. Other duties include arranging
all the awards that will be presented in order as
specified by the public affairs officer (PAO) and even
forming the troops. Refer to the Drill and Ceremonies