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Page Title: Chapter III Tuition Assistance and Enlisted Advancement System
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CHAPTER 3 TUITION ASSISTANCE AND ENLISTED ADVANCEMENT SYSTEM This chapter discusses in detail the tuition assistance (TA)  program.  Areas  such  as  eligibility  requirements, rate of assistance, limitations of tuition assistance, and tuition  assistance  application  procedures  are  discussed. This  chapter  also  discusses  the  enlisted  advancement system, Navywide advancement examinations, and the recommendation  for  advancement  in  rate  or  change  of rating  (worksheet).  Also  included  in  this  chapter  is information  concerning  examination  boards,  schedule of  examinations,  duplicate  use  of  examinations, administration of examinations, grading examinations, and security of training materials. TUITION  ASSISTANCE  PROGRAM The  TA  program  is  the  primary  in-service  support program that provides part of the cost of tuition for active duty personnel. TA provides financial assistance to  eligible  personnel  who  attend  approved  educational institutions  on  an  off-duty  basis  to  earn  a  high  school diploma, vocational certificate, or college degree. It is the policy of the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) that TA be available to all active duty Navy members and other active duty armed forces personnel attached to Navy commands. ELIGIBLE  PERSONNEL TA is available to Regular Navy personnel, naval reservists on continuous active duty, naval reservists ordered  to  active  duty  for  120  days  or  more,  and members of the other U.S. military services assigned to duty  with  the  Navy,  excluding  foreign  military personnel. Enlisted and officer personnel of the Regular Navy and Naval Reserve must be on active duty for the entire duration of the course(s). If sufficient active duty service time does not remain to complete a course, TA may be authorized for enlisted personnel on presentation of approved  extension  or  reenlistment  authorization.  For officers, TA may be authorized on presentation of an approved extension from the appropriate community detailer, Bureau of Naval Personnel (BUPERS). Commissioned   officers   may   obtain   TA   for undergraduate or graduate course work. The graduate education does not have to relate to a subspecialty. Officers are not required to have special approval for the graduate   education   courses   they   take   using   TA. However, those officers who are pursuing graduate work in a subspecialty-related area must seek course approval from the Naval Postgraduate School (or the Naval  Health  Sciences  Education  and  Training Command  for  medical  department  officers)  before enrollment to make sure a subspecialty will in fact be awarded.  Officers  should  discuss  subspecialty education requirements with the Manager, Civilian Institutions  Program,  by  contacting  the  Superintendent, Naval  Postgraduate  School,  Code  031,  Monterey, California. Officers  of  any  branch  of  the  Medical  Department needing  advice  on  any  medical  education  and  training issue must contact the Commanding Officer, Code 2, Naval  Health  Sciences  Education  and  Training Command, Bethesda, Maryland. All regular officers must agree to remain on active duty for at least 2 years following the end of the last course of instruction or have at least 2 years of service remaining before separation or retirement. Repayment of  TA  funds  does  not  release  the  officer  from  this obligation. Reserve  officers  on  active  duty  are  eligible  for  TA if  they  have  2  years  of  active  duty  remaining  on completion of the last course. Personnel must not be in a duty under instruction (DUINS) status, either full time or part time, or in an officer   accession   program   that   involves   full-time instruction at a civilian institution. An exception can be authorized for courses taken during off-duty hours when such courses are separate and distinct from, and not required as a part of, the duty under instruction. This determination  is  made  by  the  Navy  Campus  senior education   specialist. Personnel  in  confinement,  but  not  awarded  a punitive  discharge,  may  receive  TA.  Personnel  awarded punitive  discharge  who  are  in  confinement  or  on 3-1

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